- Rev. Fr. Alexander Kurien – Special thanks for Rev. Fr. Alexander Kurien for conducting Holy Qurbana this Sunday.
- CROP Hunger Walk – The CROP Hunger Walk will take place next Saturday at Eisenhower Park. Registration will begin at 10am and the walk will begin at 11am. You can either participate in the walk or even donate. Please see this link for our church’s donation page: St. Thomas LI @ CROP Hunger Walk
- Parish Committee Meeting – The next Parish Committee Meeting will be held on Oct. 15th after Holy Qurbana. All committee members make arragements to attend.
- MGOCSM Blood Drive – Special thanks to the MGOCSM for conducting the Blood Drive with the Red Cross. We had 21 people donate, including many of our neighbors!!
- MGOCSM Blood Drive – A friendly reminder that this Saturday, September 30th from 11am to 4pm is the blood drive organized by MGOCSM of our parish. Kindly make arrangements to support the event.
- CROP Hunger Walk – A friendly reminder regarding the CROP Walk, a charity event organized around the nation to help raise funds to fight against hunger. The event is to sponsor the efforts of Church World Services who fights hunger all around the world. Saturday, October 7th at 10am at Eisenhower Park. Please see the following link for details about the event: CROP Hunger Walk.
- The Youth will be hosting a bake sale in the auditorium to raise funds for the CROP walk. Kindly show your support.
- Area Level Competition Winners – We have 5 winners from our church who participated in the area level talent competition.
- Group 2nd – English Solo – Jiana Paul- 1st
- Group 3rd– Malayalam Solo Song – Sara Soloman – 1st
- Group 5th– Malayalam Solo Song – Swagath Thomas – 2nd
- Group 6th– Malayalam Solo Song – Mariel Mathew – 2nd
- Group 7th– English Solo Song- Sonia Joseph -1st
Special thanks to following Teachers and parents who coordinated Bible Quiz and group song.
- Bible Quiz- Josuha Abraham, Mibby Abraham
- Group Song- Sumini Thomas, Ansu Thomas, Rany Paul
- Graduates – Congratulations to all the recent graduates of high school and college! They were recognized for their achievements over the last two Sundays, and presented with a special gift.
- Assistant Vicar Schedule – Fr. Abraham (Abey) George will be traveling to Armenia and Georgia from September 24th through October 5th. He will be visiting both patriarchates on behalf of the Ecumenical Department of the Malankara Church to help cultivate strong ties among the churches. He will be periodically checking his email (abey.geo@gmail.com) if anyone would like to contact him. Kindly uphold him in your prayers.
- FOCUS Meeting – Our next FOCUS meeting will be held this Friday, September 22nd at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Alex and Tigi Abraham. All FOCUS members are requested to attend.
- 2017-18 Sunday School Academic Year – Just a friendly reminder that Sunday school classes will began this week. All students are requested to assemble in the sanctuary soon after refreshments.
- TTC Exam Participants – Congratulations to our Kochamma who went to the TTC Training and took the TTC Exam. She passed the exam with a high score!!
- Area Sunday School Competitions – Friendly reminder that the area Sunday School Competitions will be held on this Saturday, September 23rd . The flyer for the event will be posted on the website.
- Parents/Teachers Meeting – Achen and the principal has called a meeting of all the parents and Sunday School teachers for next Sunday before Sunday School. Kindly make arrangements to attend.
- MGOCSM Charity Drives – The youth will be hosting two charity drives for the month of September.
- Jamaica Armory Women’s Shelter – They will be collecting toiletries, cleaning supplies, and household items.
- Children’s Shoe Drive – A children’s shoe drive for pediatric psych patients at Nassau University Medical Center.
- MGOCSM Blood Drive – The youth has organized a blood drive in association with the Red Cross that will be held on Saturday, September 30th from 11am to 4pm at the parish. For anyone interested in donating blood please contact Vineeth Varghese or Danniya Samuel at your earliest.
- CROP Hunger Walk – This year the parish is planning to participate in the CROP Hunger Walk, a charity event organized around the nation to help raise funds to fight against hunger. The event is to sponsor the efforts of Church World Services (CWS) who fights hunger all around the world. Saturday, October 7th at 10am at Eisenhower Park. For more details, kindly reach out to Leslie Babu. Please see the following link for details about the event: CROP Hunger Walk.
- Hurricane Relief Buckets – CWS has opened up a temporary depot on Long Island and we have contacted them. We are hoping to put relief buckets together on the evening of Thursday 21st at St. Thomas Orthodox Church, Levittown, Long Island. We do need volunteers for the event. We also hope to deliver the finished buckets to the depot the next day
- Holy Qurbana Classes – The Holy Qurbana classes originally scheduled for today will be postponed to a later Sunday in October.
On September 30th, 2017 we will be hosting a Blood Drive with the Red Cross on September 30th from 11am-4pm! BUT WAIT THERE IS STILL MORE! It’s completely free (besides giving away some of your blood). For those interested please sign up with the link below, and select St. Thomas Malankara Orthodox Church and select which time works best for you.
A few requirements is that you must be at least 17 (or have parents permission if you are 16), and be at least 110 pounds.
- Weekly Fasting Prayer– The weekly fasting prayer will take place every Friday unless otherwise notified.
- Sunday school – classes for the 2017-18 year will begin next Sunday- September 17.
- The Feast of the Holy Cross – will be celebrated on Wednesday, September 13th at 6:30pm at our parish.
- FOCUS Meeting – will be held on Friday, September 22nd at the Residence of Mr. and Mrs. Alex and Tigi Abraham. All FOCUS members are requested to attend.
- MGCOSM Charity Drives – The MGOCSM will be hosting two charity drives for the month of September:
- Jamaica Armory Women’s Shelter- They will be collecting toiletries, cleaning supplies, and household items.
- The second is a children’s shoe drive for pediatric psych patients at Nassau University Medical Center.
- MGOCSM Blood Drive – The MGOCSM has organized a blood drive in association with the Red Cross that will be held on Saturday, September 30th from 11am to 4pm at the parish.
- CROP Hunger Walk – As a parish, this year we are planning to participate in the CROP Walk, a charity event organized around the nation to help raise funds to fight against hunger. The event is to sponsor the efforts of Church World Services who fights hunger all around the world. Saturday, October 7th at 10am at Eisenhower Park. For more details, kindly reach out to Leslie Babu. The flyer for the event is posted on the below.
- MMVS Annual Conference – The annual conference is on Saturday Oct.14th at the Holy Transfiguration Retreat Center. Those who are interested in attending the conference, kindly contact the MMVS secretary or the trustee.
- Holy Qurbana Classes – We will be starting classes on the Holy Qurbana starting next Sunday- September 17th Sunday after refreshments for everyone. All are requested to attend.
- Hurricane Harvery Relief Fund – Those who would like to donate towards the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund kindly give the donations to the Secretary or the Trustee of the parish.
- Weekly Fasting Prayer – Our weekly fasting prayer will be held this Friday from 10am-Noon at the parish. Rides can be arranged for those who need them.
- Sunday School Announcements – Below are some announcements pertaining to upcoming Sunday School year. & Competitions.
- Teacher’s Meeting – Sunday school teacher’s meeting will be held on Saturday, September 9th at 4:00pm in church. All Sunday School teachers are requested to attend.
- 2017-2018 Sunday School Year – Sunday school classes will start on September 17 after Holy Qurbana.
- Talent Competition – Sunday school talent competitions will be held on September 10th after Holy Qurbana. Please give the name of the participants to the principal or the assistant principal.
- Area Level Competition – Sunday School area level competition will be held on September 23rd Saturday at St. Mary’s West Sayville church
- Feast of the Birth of St. Mary – We will be celebrating the Feast of the Birth of St. Mary, the Mother of God this Thursday evening, September 7th at 6:30pm.
- Feast of the Holy Cross – Next Wednesday, September 13th at 6:30pm we will be celebrating the Feast of the Holy Cross. Kindly make arrangements to attend.
- MGOCSM Charity Drives – The youth will be hosting two charity drives for the month of September.
- Jamaica Women’s Shelter – will be collecting toiletries, cleaning supplies, and household items.
- Children’s Shoe Drive – a children’s shoe drive for pediatric psych patients at Nassau university medical center. Please see the flyer posted on the downstairs bulletin board for details.
- MGOCSM Blood Drive – The youth has organized a blood drive in association with the Red Cross that will be held on Saturday, September 30th from 11am to 4pm at the parish. For anyone interested in donating blood please contact Vineeth Varghese or Danniya Samuel at your earliest.
- MMVS Annual Conference – There is one announcement about the MMVS Annual Conference. Our annual conference is on Oct.14th Saturday at the Holy Transfiguration Retreat Center. Anyone interested to go for the conference please contact the MMVS secretary or the trustee. There is a fee total of $50 for the bus fee and registration that needs to be collected as early as possible.
- Holy Qurbana Classes – We will be starting classes on the Holy Qurbana starting September 17th Sunday after refreshments for everyone. All are requested to attend.
- Parish OVBS – We had our parish OVBS yesterday. We had close to 60 children participate. Special thanks to all the volunteers, teachers and parents, especially the children who spent the entire day at the church. Please see the slide show presentation on YouTube https://youtu.be/3VRP4vxC4xI
- Weekly Fasting Prayer – Our weekly fasting prayer will be held this Friday from 10am – 12pm at the parish. Rides can be arranged for those who need them.
- Holy Qurbana – Two days during the week we will be having Holy Qurbana. September 7th Thursday evening at 6:30pm for the Birth of St. Mary, the Mother of God. Wednesday, September 13th at 6:30pm for the Feast of the Holy Cross. Kindly make arrangements to attend.
- MGOCSM Blood Drive – The youth has organized a blood drive in association with the Red Cross that will be held on Saturday, September 30th from 11am to 4pm at the parish. For anyone interested in donating blood please contact Vineeth Varghese or Danniya Samuel at your earliest.
- MGOCSM Charity Drive – The youth will be hosting 2 charity drives for the month of September.
- The first is for the Jamaica Women’s Shelter. They will be collecting toiletries, cleaning supplies, and household items.
- The second is a children’s shoe drive for pediatric psych patients at Nassau university medical center. Please see the flyer posted on the downstairs bulletin board for details.
- Area Level Sunday School Competition – The Area Level Sunday School talent competition will be held on Saturday, September 23rd at St. Mary’s West Sayville church. If anyone is interested in volunteering to help run the event please contact Danniya Samuel.
- MMVS Annual Conference – Our annual conference is on Oct.14th Saturday at the Holy Transfiguration Retreat Center. Anyone interested to go for the conference please contact the MMVS secretary or trustee. There is a fee of $35 for the bus and needs to be collected as early as possible.
- AmazonSmile – Do you shop on Amazon? If yes, it is easy to support our parish with each purchase via AmazonSmile. AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a small portion of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization. You can choose from nearly one million organizations to support. A few minutes to set up is all it takes. Please click the link below to select our parish to support with your Amazon purchase. https://smile.amazon.com/ch/11-3077671
- Recent Graduates – Please give the names of all recent graduates (August 2016-June 2017) to the Secretary.
Parish OVBS
Today our parish hosted its OVBS for the Sunday school and college students. The theme for this years OVBS was taken from St. Mathew 5:48, “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
The day began with Matins followed by a message from Rev. Dn. Thomas (Shawn) Thomas. After the message the students separated into different groups where they had group discussions about the lives of saints and how that could help us in our spiritual journey. The students also participated in an arts and crafts activity where they colored their patron saint. Later on in the day Fr. Abraham and Dn. Thomas led a special activity of making of the Ameera (Qurbana Appum).
We were blessed with the presence of the Vicar, Very. Rev. Dr Yohannan Sankarathil Chor-Episcopos and the Assistant Vicar, Rev. Fr. Abraham (Abey) George. Thank you to our OVBS coordinator Nevin Joseph, our valuable donors, and the volunteers who made this day possible. We would also like to specially thank Dn. Thomas for being our main speaker for this years OVBS.
Please see the 2017 Parish OVBS album for more photos.
- Weekly Fasting Prayer – Our weekly fasting prayer will be held this Friday from 10am- 12pm at the parish. Rides can be arranged for those who need them.
- FOCUS Meeting – Our next FOCUS Meeting will be held this Friday, August 25th, at 7pm at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Sinu and Giby Jacob. All FOCUS members are kindly requested to attend.
- Parish OVBS – Our Parish OVBS will be held this Saturday at the Parish. Those who have registered kindly make sure that you come on time since we have a full day schedule planned.
- BQLI Area Convention – The annual B/Q/LI area convention. The main speaker for all three days will be Rev. Dr. Ninan. K. George, professor of Orthodox Theological Seminary in Kottayam. August 25, 26, 27 Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 6:30pm at Our Lady of Snow Roman Catholic Church.
- Parish Sunday School Trip – The Sunday school children, parents, teachers took a trip to a Minor League baseball game of the Long Island Ducks. We wanted to thank everyone who took the time to attend. Please see some pics below.
- Weekly Fasting Prayer– Our weekly fasting prayer will be held this Friday from 10am-12pm at the parish. All are kindly requested to attend.
- St. Mary West Sayville Church Parish Perunal – St. Mary’s West Sayville is conducting their Parish Perunal this Friday the 18th at 6pm and Saturday the 19th at 8:30am. The Chief celebrant is Rev. Dr. Ninan. K. George, professor of Orthodox Theological Seminary in Kottayam. The flyer for the perunal is below. Those who are available are requested to attend.
- Sunday School Year 2017-18– First day of Sunday School for the year 2017-2018 will be Sunday, September 17th.
- Sunday School Talent Competition – will be held on Sunday, September 10th, those who are interested to participate, please register your names by contacting the principal or the vice- principal.
- BQLI Area Convention – The annual BQLI area convention. The main speaker for all three days will be Rev. Dr. Ninan. K. George, professor of Orthodox Theological Seminary in Kottayam. August 25, 26, 27 Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 6:30pm at Our Lady of Snow Roman Catholic Church.
- Parish General Body Meeting – Next Sunday, August 20th, we will be having our Parish General Body Meeting after service. All eligible members are requested to attend.
- FOCUS Meeting – Our next FOCUS Meeting will be held on Friday, August 25th, 2017 at 7pm at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Sinu and Giby Jacob. All FOCUS members are kindly requested to attend.