
Weekly Announcements – 01/09/2022

  1. Closing Books – Please provide all pending 2021 church dues to the Treasurer by Sunday, January 16th.


Weekly Announcements – 01/02/2022

  1. Feast of Baptism of our Lord – There will be Holy Qurbana on Wednesday, January 5th, starting at 6:30pm. All those who are able and wish to participate are welcome. The live-streaming links will also be sent via text message.
  2. Closing Books – Please provide all pending 2021 church dues to the Treasurer by Sunday, January 16th.
  3. C.I.O.C. Christmas & New Year Celebrations – The Council of Indian Orthodox Churches of Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island will be conducting its annual Christmas and New Year’s program on Sunday, January 9th at 4pm via Zoom.


  1. New Year’s Day Service (The Feast of the Circumcision) – There will be Holy Qurbana on Saturday, January 1st.  Morning prayer will begin at 8am.  All are kindly encouraged to attend. 
  2. 2022 Calendars – The 2022 church calendars were distributed to each family, during dismissal.  For those who were not able to attend the past few services, please collect your calendar from the office, the remainder will be mailed out.  
  3. Closing Books – Please provide all pending 2021 church dues to the Treasurer by January 16th.
  4. Dismissal – Due to the COVID-19 surge in Nassau County, we will resume the row by row dismissal process after kaimuth, please follow the guidance of the committee members.

Weekly Announcements – 12/19/2021

  1. 2022 Calendars – The 2022 church calendars have begun to be distributed for each family, during dismissal. For those who are not able to attend the next few services, the remainder will be mailed out. We hope you can accept this gift as a token of our gratitude.


  1. Combined Monthly Retreat & Prayer Day – The Council of Indian Orthodox Churches of Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island will be conducting its monthly retreat and prayer-day on Sun, Dec 19th at 6:30pm via Zoom. Rev. Fr. Abey (Abraham) George, Vicar of St. Thomas, Long Island, will be the main speaker.
COIC December 2021

Weekly Announcements – 12/05/2021

  1. NE American Diocese’s Memorial of H. G. Mathews Mar Barnabas Service – The Northeast American Diocese will be having service at St. Thomas Orthodox Church, LI for H. G. Mathews Mar Barnabas’ orma this Wed, Dec 8th at 6:30pm, conducted by H. G. Zachariah Mar Nicholovos. Holy Qurbana is open to the whole diocese. All members are welcome to attend.
  2. General Body Meeting – There will be an in-person General Body meeting held Sun, Dec 12th after Holy Qurbana. All members are kindly requested to attend this meeting.
  3. MMVS Bible Study Meetings – will be conducted every Sunday after Holy Qurbana, in the balcony.


  1. MGOCSM of BQLI – will be hosting the Winterfest on Friday, Dec 3rd from 5pm to 9pm at St. Thomas Orthodox Church, Long Island.  Rev. Fr. Shawn Thomas will be the main speaker for the event, followed by fellowship activities, such as trivia night and caroling.  Our MGOCSM members are encouraged to attend.
  2. General Body Meeting There will be an in-person General Body meeting held Sunday, Dec 12th after Holy Qurbana.  All members are kindly requested to attend this meeting. 
Thanksgiving Potluck 2021
Our Sunday School celebrating Abey Achen’s Birthday!


Weekly Announcements – 11/21/2021

  1. MGOCSM/FOCUS Potluck – The FOCUS and MGOCSM will be hosting a thanksgiving potluck on Fri, Nov 26th at 5pm. To sign-up, use the following form:
  2. MGOCSM of the NE American Diocese – will be holding its Annual Thanksgiving Conference on Sat, Nov 27th from 12pm to 1:30pm via Zoom. Mrs. Ceena Mathew will be the main speaker and will present on the theme: Peace Amidst the Storm based on Exodus 14:14. Registration Link:
  3. MGOCSM of BQLI – will be hosting the Winterfest on Friday, Dec 3rd from 5pm to 9pm at St. Thomas Orthodox Church, Long Island. Rev. Fr. Shawn Thomas will be the main speaker for the event, followed by fellowship activities, such as trivia night and caroling. Our MGOCSM members are encouraged to attend.
  4. Combined Monthly Retreat & Prayer Day – The Council of Indian Orthodox Churches of Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island will be conducting its monthly retreat and prayer-day on Sun, Nov 28th at 6:30pm via Zoom. Dn. Shojil Abraham will be the main speaker.
November Combined Monthly Retreat & Prayer


  1. Passing of Mr. Rajan Pothen – the brother of Mrs. Daisy Abraham, Sunday night in Thiruvalla, from a heart attack.  He was 62 years old.  Please keep the bereaved family in your prayers, as they will be leaving for India, Tuesday morning.
  2. MGOCSM of the NE American Diocese – will be holding its One Day Conference on Sat, Nov 27th from 12PM to 1:30PM via Zoom.  Mrs. Ceena Mathew will be the main speaker and will present on the theme: Peace Amidst the Storm based on Exodus 14:14.  Please refer to the website for the registration link.


Weekly Announcements – 11/07/2021

  1. Feast of St. Geevarghese Mar Gregorios (Parumala Thirumeni’s Perunal) – Thank you to all the families who donated towards refreshments for the feast day and a thanks to Dr. Paul Thottathil for organizing the effort.