Upcoming Mid-Week Services – All those who are able and wish to participate are welcome.
Mid-Lent Service – There will be Holy Qurbana on Tuesday, March 22nd, beginning at 6:30pm.
Feast of Annunciation to St. Mary – There will be Holy Qurbana on Thursday, March 24th, starting at 6:30pm.
Holy Week Donation – All members are kindly requested to make a donation of $100 for Holy Week. Please give your donation to the Treasurer as soon as possible.
Anil John Memorial Basketball Tournament – After the hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the youth and FOCUS of this parish have decided to resume the annual basketball tournament. This year the STYL Presents: Anil John Memorial Basketball Tournament will be held at the Island Garden Basketball Gym on Saturday, July 16th. The youth and FOCUS members will be organizing this event and participation is requested from all the parishioners to ensure it is a success.
Parish Lenten Retreat – We will be having our Parish Lenten Retreat Saturday, April 2nd.
1st Annual Memorial – The 1 Year Memorial for Very Rev. Dr. Mathai Yohannan Sankarathil Cor-Episcopa will be Sunday, March 20th.
Passing of Mrs. Omana Melethil – sister of Mr. John Mathew Arikupuram, on Saturday at Kodumon in Kerala. She was around 70 years old. The funeral took place on Monday. Please keep the bereaved family in your prayers.
Holy Week Donation – All members are kindly requested to make a donation of $100 for Holy Week. Please give your donation to the Treasurer as soon as possible.
GROW One Day Conference – The GROW Ministry will be conducting an in-person conference at three different locations on Saturday, March 19th beginning at 9am. The main speaker will be Phoebe Farag Mikhail on the theme ‘Women of Worship’ based on Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.” In this area, the conference will be held at our parish, St. Thomas Orthodox Church, Levittown, NY. Register as soon as possible at www.thegrowministry.com.
General Body Meeting –There will be an in-person General Body meeting held on Sunday, March 13th after Holy Qurbana. All members are kindly requested to attend this meeting. The 2021 Annual Report and 2022 Budget were emailed Monday; both will be discussed during the meeting. If you have not received the report and budget, please email the secretary@stthomasli.org account.
MMVS Monthly Meeting – The next monthly video interactive MMVS meeting will be Sunday, March 13th at 4:30pm via Zoom. Please refer to WhatsApp for the link.
1st Annual Memorial – The 1 Year Memorial for Very Rev. Dr. Mathai Yohannan Sankarathil Cor-Episcopa, will be Sunday, March 20th.
Holy Week Donation – All members are kindly requested to make a donation of $100 for Holy Week. Please give your donation to the Treasurer as soon as possible.
Livestream Discontinued – Livestream and the current dismissal process will be discontinued. For now, masks will still be required and families can continue to sit together. However, there will be no required spacing. For special events and instances, refreshments can once again be offered in the parish hall. If there is a COVID surge and the need arises, all protocols will be reinstated at that time.
Charitable Efforts/Donations – If any members would like to assist local charities, please contact the Community & Interchurch Relations Team via email at comrelationsteam@stthomasli.org.
GROW One Day Conference – The GROW Ministry will be conducting an in-person conference at three different locations on Saturday, March 19th beginning at 9am. The main speaker will be Phoebe Farag Mikhail on the theme ‘Women of Worship’ based on Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.” In this area, the conference will be held at St. Thomas Orthodox Church, Levittown, NY. Register as soon as possible at www.thegrowministry.com.
Wednesday Evening Prayer – During the Lenten season, there will be evening prayer on Wednesdays at 6:30pm, in addition to Saturday evening prayers.
Mid-Week Services – Please refer to the parish calendar for the dates and times of all mid-week services.
MOSC Association Meeting – The Malankara Association elected 7 new bishops for the church, during the meeting on Friday, February 25th beginning at 2am. Thank you to Dr. Paul Thottathil and Mr. John Joseph, our Malankara Association Members, for attending, voting, and representing this parish.
Men’s Forum –The next Men’s Forum meeting will take place on Sunday, March 6th at 4:30pm online. All men over the age of 50 are welcome to attend. Please refer to WhatsApp for the link.
General Body Meeting –There will be an in-person General Body meeting held Sunday, March 13th after Holy Qurbana. All members are kindly requested to attend this meeting.
GROW One Day Conference – The GROW Ministry will be conducting an in-person conference at three different locations on Saturday, March 19th beginning at 9am. The main speaker will be Phoebe Farag Mikhail on the theme ‘Women of Worship’ based on Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.” In this area, the conference will be held at St. Thomas Orthodox Church, Levittown, NY. Register as soon as possible at www.thegrowministry.com.
Kalpana from His Holiness the Catholicos of the East
FOCUS Meeting – The next FOCUS Meeting will take place on Friday, Feb 18th at 7pm via Zoom. Please refer to GroupMe for the link.
Combined Monthly Retreat & Prayer Day – The Council of Indian Orthodox Churches of Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island will be conducting its monthly retreat and prayer-day Sunday, Feb 20th at 6:30pm via Zoom. Rev. Fr. Brince Alex Mathews from St. Gregorios Orthodox Church, Valley Stream will be the main speaker.
Kalpana from the Northeast American Diocese Regarding GROW One-Day Conference
Fast of Nineveh (3-Day Lent) – The Fast of Nineveh will be held from Monday, February 7th to the 9th. There will be evening prayer every day during the fast and will be concluded with Holy Qurbana on Wednesday, February 9th at 6:30PM.
5 Management Teams – As was discussed and announced in last year’s General Body meetings, the Management Teams for the parish have been created, which include Facilities, Hospitality & Events, Marketing & IT, Legal & Risk, and Community & Interchurch Relations. If you are interested in assisting any of the teams, contact the Secretary or Treasurer.
Marketing & IT Team Request – Any parishioners, who are willing and able to create flyers and other marketing materials for the church, please notify the team lead, Ms. Lincy Thottathil.
Kalpana from His Holiness the Catholicos of the East
The Feast of Lord’s Entry into the Temple (Mayaltho) – There will be Holy Qurbana on Tuesday, February 1st, starting at 6:30pm. All those who are able and wish to participate are welcome. The live-streaming links will also be sent via text message.
Test Kits & Masks – The committee will continue handing out COVID-19 test kits and KN95 masks, which were ordered from Nassau County. For families who have yet to receive kits or masks, both will be provided after dismissal next week.
Kalpana from the Northeast American Diocese
Procedures for Reporting Sexual Misconduct Allegations – Click Image For More
Test Kits & Masks – The committee will be handing out COVID-19 test kits and KN95 masks, which were ordered from Nassau County. For all families who wish to receive kits or masks, both will be provided after dismissal next week.
Kalpana from HH the Catholicos Regarding the Parumala Hospital
Combined Monthly Retreat & Prayer Day – The Council of Indian Orthodox Churches of Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island will be conducting its monthly retreat and prayer-day Sunday, Jan 23rd at 6:30pm via Zoom. Very Rev. Yesudasan Pappan Cor-Episcopa will be the main speaker.