

  1. Christmas Service  Monday, 24th evening at 6:30, we will have Christmas evening prayer. The 25th Morning, service will begin at 7 am.
  2. MGOCSM Meeting There will be elections for next year’s youth committee after service on December 30th. All youth members are requested to attend this meeting, especially if they are interested in serving on the committee for 2019.
  3. 2018 Family Night/Talent Show – The annual talent show will be held this year on Sunday, Dec. 30th, 2018 at 4 pm.  The Talent Show is open to all who are interested in participating. If you would like to show your talents, please reach out to the Sunday School Principal, Mr. Shibu Thomas or Emily George. The deadline for submitting programs is today.
    1. In addition, we will be providing dinner to all participants and guests. If you would like to donate for the dinner, please see Mrs. Lali Daniel or Mr. Nevin Joseph
  4. Combined Christmas & New Year’s Celebrations The Council of Indian Orthodox Churches of Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island will be hosting its annual Christmas & New Year’s Celebrations on Saturday, Jan. 5th from 4pm-8pm at the Glen Oaks High School auditorium. All members are kindly requested to attend the event.
  5. Committee Meeting – There will be a 2019 Committee Meeting on next Saturday, 12/29/2018, at 4 pm at the church.  All 2019 Committee Members are requested to attend that meeting.
Combined Christmas & New Year’s Celebrations


  1. The Feast of St. Thomas – will be held on Thursday, December 20th at 6:30pm. If any who wishes to bring nercha for that day you may do so.
  2. Christmas Service – Monday, 24th evening at 6:30, we will have Christmas evening prayer. 25th Morning, service will begin at 7am.
  3. 2018 Talent Show – The annual talent show will be held this year on Sunday, Dec. 30th 2018. The Talent Show is open to all who are interested in participating. If you would like to show your talents, please reach out to the Sunday School Principal, Mr. Shibu Thomas or Emily George. The deadline for submitting programs is Dec. 16th.
    • In addition, we will be providing dinner to all participants and guests. If you would like to donate for the dinner, please see Mrs. Lali Daniel or Mr. Nevin Joseph
  4. Christmas Caroling – Our Christmas Caroling program will be starting next Saturday at 9am from the house of Valiya Achen.  Everyone please be there promptly so that we get the day started.
    • Also at the houses that we are visiting, if there are snacks are being given, please pack it in to-go bags.
  5. 2018 Contributions – members should give all contributions for 2018 before 12/30/2018.


Passing of Mr. P.I. John

With great sadness we wish to inform you of the falling asleep of Mr. P.I. John. The wake and funeral service arrangements are as follows:

June 22nd from 3pm to 9pm
St. Thomas Malankara Orthodox Church
110 Schoolhouse Road, Levittown NY 11756

June 23rd at 8am
St. Thomas Malankara Orthodox Church
110 Schoolhouse Road, Levittown NY 11756


P.I. John



  1. Apostles Lent – We are now in the season of Lent of the Holy Apostles. Let us spend time in reading the scriptures, in fasting as well as prayer. Holy Qurbana for the end of the fast and for the celebration the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul will be held on Thursday, June 28th at 6:30 pm.
  2. Blood Drive –The blood drive was held here, at the church, yesterday and people from this parish as well as the community came out to donate. Around 17 pints of blood were collected which could save up to 51 lives! Special thanks to all those who came to donate and volunteer!
  3. Basketball Tournament – The STYL Presents: Anil John Memorial Basketball Tournament is coming up on Saturday, June 30th at Island Garden Gym. As every year, the success of this event is due to the combined efforts of not only the youth and FOCUS, but also the parents, so the presence and support of all church members are kindly requested.
  4. MGOCSM Meeting – The next MGOCSM meeting will be held this Friday, June 22nd at 5:30pm at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Shibu & Sumini Thomas. All youth members are kindly requested to attend.
  5. Hadootho – The Philadelphia area MGOCSM is hosting Hadootho, a 3-day camp, at the Holy Transfiguration Retreat Center from July 4th – 7th. The theme for this year’s camp is “Trust the Process” and it will be led by the main speaker, Rev. Fr. Mat Alexander. The cost for this camp is $125 and registration must be completed online by June 30th. For more information please see Ms. Sonia Joseph or Mr. Joshua Mathew.
  6. Sunday School Announcements
    1. Centralized Exams – Centralized exams for grades 5, 8, 10 and TTC exams will be held on next week (6/24) at St. Gregorios church Cherry Lane, Floral Park.
    2. Area OVBS – Students who are still interested to participate in Diocese area OVBS contact Principal/Asst. Principal, which will be on July 11 to 13th at Our Lady of Lourdes RC church, Queens Village.
  7. Half-Yearly Dues – Just a friendly reminder that first six months of the year are almost over, please see the Treasurer to review any outstanding dues.
  8. Monthly Committee Meeting – we will having our monthly committee meeting this Saturday, June 23rd at 4pm. All committee members are kindly requested to attend.
  9. 2018 Parish Picnic – This year’s picnic will be held on Saturday, July 14th, 2018.

    Our Parishioners Who Participated in the Blood Drive


Weekly Announcements – 05/06/2018

  1. Feast of Ascension – we will be celebrating the Feast of Ascension on this coming Wednesday, May 9th. Evening Prayer will start at 6:30PM, followed by Holy Qurbana.
MGOCSM Uncategorized

Weekly Announcements – 03/25/2018

  1. Holy Week ScheduleWe will be having evening prayer every day this week, and also Pesaha service Wednesday evening, and Good Friday service on Friday.  For exact times please see the Holy Week schedule flyer (in the back), it will also be posted on the website.  The flyer below is incorrect and we will NOT be having Evening Prayer on Thursday,  March 29th.
  2. Service of Feet Washing – this year the Diocesan Metropolitan is conducting the  Service of Feet Washing at St. Mary’s, West Sayville.  Please see their flyer below.
  3. MGOCSM Fundraiser – The MGOCSM is hosting a fundraiser at California Pizza Kitchen in Westbury on Friday April 6th. The restaurant will be donating 20% of the profits from that day back towards the youth fund to be donated to charity. The youth will also be meeting up for lunch at the restaurant at 1pm that day to support the cause and engage in fellowship. All youth are encouraged to attend!
  4. MGOCSM Lancaster Trip – We are planning a church trip to see the new Sight & Sound production “Jesus” in Lancaster on Tuesday August 21st. The cost for adults is $94 and for children, $64. About half of the tickets are already taken so please see Emily George downstairs in the auditorium to reserve your seat!
  5. GROW Conference– The annual GROW One Day conference will be hosted at our church this year on April 14th from 8:30 to 4:30. Registration is $15 online and $20 at the door so please register online at your earliest.

Holy Week Schedule 2018

St. Mary’s West Sayville Holy Week Schedule 2018

Notifications Uncategorized

Parish Lenten Retreat

This year’s parish Lenten Retreat will be held on Saturday, March 24th. Confession will begin at 10 am. The retreat message will be given at 3:00 pm by Rev. Fr. Sujit Thomas. The day will conclude with Vespers at 6:30 pm. All are kindly requested to attend.

Rev. Fr. Sujit Thomas

The Icon of the Prodigal Son


Notifications Uncategorized

Holy Qurbono for the Fortieth Day of the Great and Holy Fast, March 22nd at 6:30 pm

St. Thomas Orthodox Church of Long Island will be having Divine Liturgy on Thursday, March 22nd, for the 40th day of the Great Lent. The chief celebrant will be H.G. Zachariah Mar Nicholovos, the Metropolitan of the Northeast American Diocese. Vespers will begin at 6:30 pm followed by Divine Liturgy. All are welcome to attend!
FOCUS MGOCSM Uncategorized


  1. College Winter Summit Conference — From December 27th to December 30th, a few of our parish’s college students attended the Diocese’s Winter Summit Conference at the Holy Transfiguration Retreat Center.
  2. Feast of the Theophany (Denaha) — On Saturday, January 6th, we will be celebrating the Feast of Denaha; matins will begin at 8:00 am followed by the Denaha service and Holy Qurbana. Our Diocesan Metropolitan, His Grace Zachariah Mor Nicholovos, will be leading services.
  3. Fast of Nineveh at HTRC — The Holy Transfiguration Retreat Center is pleased to announce that they will be conducting a retreat during the Fast of Nineveh. The Retreat will begin on the evening of Sunday, January 21, 2018, and end with Holy Qurbana on the morning of Thursday, January 25, 2018. During these days, prayers will be offered in the chapel, along with devotional addresses/meditations offered by our esteemed clergy. Meals will be provided to all the participants. There will be opportunities for Holy Confession and counseling. The registration fee of $250 is to be made payable to the Northeast American Diocese. Participants are encouraged to register online at the link provided here:
  4. Council of Indian Orthodox Churches — The Council of Indian Orthodox Churches event will take place on Saturday, January 6th, at 4 pm.

    The Council of Indian Churches Event Flyer

    St. Thomas Long Island College Students at the Winter Summit Conference 2017 at HTRC

Weekly Announcements – 12/24/2017

  1. New Year’s Day Service – Monday, January 1st Service will begin regular time as Sundays: 8:15am. New Years, and the Feasts of Sts. Basil the Great and Gregory the Theologian.
  2. Denaha Service – Saturday, January 6th Matins for Denaha Service will begin at 8:00am followed by Holy Qurbana.
  3. Valiya Achen & Kochamma – will be traveling to India on Tuesday, please keep them in your prayers, so that they may have a safe journey and return.
  4. MGOCSM Bowling Night – special thanks to all MGOCSM and FOCUS members for coming to the final event of the year.

MGOCSM Bowling Night

Christmas Service

Christmas Service Fellowship