The Fast of the Dormition of St. Mary (15-day Lent) – Just a reminder to everyone that the Dormition Lent began Sunday, August 1st. All members are kindly requested to observe the 15 day lent.
The Feast of Transfiguration of our Lord – We will be celebrating Holy Qurbana for the Feast of Transfiguration on Thursday, August 5th at 6:30pm. All those who wish to participate are welcome.
Passing of Mr. Pappi Mathai – the uncle of Mr. Sunny Chacko, last Monday in Kerala, India. He was 91 years old. The funeral took place Wednesday. Please keep the bereaved family in your prayers.
General Body Meeting – There will be an in-person General Body meeting held on Sunday, August 8th after Holy Qurbana. All members are kindly requested to attend this meeting. The 2020 Annual Report and 2021 Half Year Financials were emailed Monday; both will be discussed during the meeting. If you have not received the report and financials, please email
Softball Tournament – Our church softball team won first place in the St. John’s Softball League. Congratulations to our team!
Parish Perunal – the Parish Perunal will take place on July 5th and 6th. Please see the flyer below for more details.
Sunday School Assigned Competition -SS Final Exams will be conducted today after refreshments. The church level assigned competition will be held on June 23rd. All sunday school students are encouraged to participate, all topics are posted downstairs. Please see Principal or Asst. Principal for more details.
Council of Churches – there will be a Council of Churches representative meeting scheduled for next Sunday June 23rd at 3:30PM,at St. Johns Orthodox Church, Bellerose. All of our Council of Churches representatives are requested to attend this meeting.
Anil John Memorial Basketball Tournament 2019- This year the STYL Presents: Anil John Memorial Basketball Tournament will be held on Saturday July 13th at Island Garden Basketball Gym. As in years past, all church members are kindly requested to support this event by purchasing tickets from youth members and attending the event.
Text Messages from Church – we send our regular text messages about events happening at church. If anyone is not receiving them please come to the office to sign up.
Monthly Committee Meeting – there will be a monthly scheduled Committee Meeting next Sunday, June 23rd after Holy Qurbana. All committee members are kindly requested to attend.
St. Stephens Raffle – all members who participated in the raffle from St. Stephens Orthodox Church are kindly requested to give the contributions to our Treasurer.
MMVS Diabetics Education Seminar – the MMVS is conducting an informational seminar on diabetics education on June 15th @ 4pm at the church. They will be going over the basics of the disease and how to manage it.
MMVS Raffle Drive – MMVS is conducting a raffle to help with their charity activities. Please support them and in this effort.
Sunday School Assigned Competition – the church level assigned competition will be held on on June 23rd. All Sunday school students are encouraged to participate, all topics are posted downstairs. Please see Principal or Asst. Principal for more details.
End of Sunday School Year – Final Exams will be held on June 16th.
AGNI Middle School Camp – Northeast American Diocese will host “AGNI: Ablaze for the Lord” camp for Middle School students from August 8-10, 2019 at Holy Transfiguration Retreat Center. The main speakers are Rev. Fr. Shawn Thomas and Mrs. Lijin Thomas. Eligible participants are children ages 10-14. For more information please contact Fr. Sujit Thomas, Diocesan Secretary. Please use the following link to register:
Parish Picnic – will be held on July 20th, 2019. All members are kindly requested to make arrangements to attend.
Basketball Tournament– Special thanks to Youth members for organizing the event and all the parents that helped out to make the event a success. Check out pictures for the tournament: 2018 Tournament Pics
2018 Parish Perunal– Our Parish Perunal will be held on Friday, July 6th and Saturday July 7th. Friday evening we will evening prayer followed by a devotional address. Saturday morning at 8am we will begin morning prayer followed by Holy Qurbana. All are requested to attend.
2018 Parish Picnic – This year’s picnic will be held on Saturday July 14th, 2018 at Belmont State Park. We encourage all members to participate on this day of fellowship.
Half-Yearly Dues – just a friendly reminder that first six months of the year are over, please see the Treasurer to review any outstanding dues.
Passing of Mr. P.I. John – Mr. P.I John passed away last Tuesday, June 19th, and funeral services were conducted on Saturday, June 23rd. Please keep the bereaving family in your prayers.
Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul – Holy Qurbana for the end of the fast and to celebrate the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul will be held on Thursday, June 28th at 6:30 pm.
Basketball Tournament – The STYL Presents: Anil John Memorial Basketball Tournament is coming up next Saturday at Island Garden Gym. As every year, the success of this tournament is due to the combined efforts of not only the youth and FOCUS, but also the parents, so the presence and support of all church members are kindly requested.
Tournament Meeting – The day before the tournament, Friday, June 29th, there will be a meeting at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Cherian Abraham at 7 pm. This will be our last meeting before the actual tournament so it is especially important that all youth members make an effort to attend.
STYL BBQ – As every year, we will be having a youth barbecue the day after the tournament. This year it will be at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Juby Thomas on Sunday, July 1st at 2 pm.
Parish Perunal – Our Parish Perunal will be held on Friday, July 6th and Saturday, July 7th. Friday evening we will be having evening prayer followed by a devotional address. Saturday morning at 8 am we will begin morning prayer followed by Holy Qurbana. All are requested to attend.
2018 Parish Picnic – This year’s picnic will be held on Saturday, July 14th, 2018 at Belmont State Park. We encourage all members to participate on this day of fellowship.
MGOCSM/ FOCUS Meeting — There will be a combined MGOCSM and FOCUS meeting this Friday April 27th, 5:30PM at the Aramana (2158 NY-106, Syosset, NY 11791). All MGOCSM and FOCUS members are requested to attend.
STYL Tournament Meeting — There will be a basketball tournament meeting next Sunday the 29th after Sunday School.
Metropolitan Episcopal Consecration Jubilee Banquet — The Northeast American Diocese of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church will be hosting a banquet for the Episcopal Silver Jubilee of our beloved Metropolitan, His Grace Zachariah Mar Nicholovos. The formal banquet will be held on the evening of Sunday, August 26, 2018, at The Green Tree Country Club, located at 538 Davenport Avenue, New Rochelle, NY 10805. His Holiness Moran Mar Baselios Marthoma Paulose II, Catholicos of the East & Malankara Metropolitan, will preside over the celebrations. Esteemed leaders from the ecumenical community will also be present on this joyous occasion.
Monthly Committee Meeting — There will be a Committee Meeting next Sunday, April 29th, after service. All Committee Members are kindly requested to attend.
Evening Prayer – A friendly reminder that we will be having special lenten Evening Prayers at the church every Wednesday during Great Lent 6:30PM. All are kindly requested to attend.
Confession – As it is the lenten season, whoever wishes to do Holy Confession, kindly reach out to Achens as soon as possible. We request that you do not wait till the retreat day to do confession.
Mid-Lent Service: The Mid-lent service will be held this Tuesday, March 6th at 6:30pm. All are kindly requested to attend. A friendly reminder to those who are planning to take Holy Qurbana to fast at least 6 hours prior to receiving Holy Qurbana.
Holy Week Song Practice: There will be Holy Week song practice held Sunday and Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm at the Church. Whoever is interested to learn the hymns of Holy Week are requested to attend.
FOCUS Meeting – the next FOCUS meeting will be held on Friday, March 23rd at 7pm. All FOCUS members are kindly requested to attend.
Parish Lenten Retreat: This year’s parish Lenten Retreat will be held on Saturday, March 24th. Confession will begin at 10am. The retreat message will be given at 3:00pm by Rev. Fr. Sujit Thomas. All are kindly requested to attend.
Holy Week Donation – All members are kindly requested to make a donation of $100 for the expenses of Holy Week. You may give your donation to the Treasurer today after service. This donation is used for all the additional expenses during Holy Week, and it’s important that all members contribute towards this effort.
Vailya Achen’s 82nd Birthday
STYL Presents: AJM Basketball Tournament Sponsorship 1
STYL Presents: AJM Basketball Tournament Sponsorship 2
Evening Prayer – A friendly reminder that we will be having special lenten Evening Prayers at the church every Wednesday during Great Lent 6:30PM. All are kindly requested to attend.
Confession – As it is the lenten season, whoever wishes to do Holy Confession, kindly reach out to Achens as soon as possible. We request that you do not wait till the retreat day to do confession.
Mid-lent Service: Tuesday, March 6th at 6:30pm we will have be having the Holy Qurbana and Special Mid-lent Service. All are kindly requested to attend.
MGOCSM Meeting– There will be an MGOCSM meeting held at the church on Friday March 2nd at 6:30 pm. All MGOCSM members are requested to attend.
STYL Basketball Tournament – There will be a STYL Basketball tournament meeting today after Sunday School. The tickets for the tournament were inaugurated on Sunday.
Education Day – Special thanks to Sunday School and MGCOCSM for hosting our 2nd annual Education Day. The theme for the day was “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about it’s own things” Mathew 6:34.
Evening Prayer —There will be special Lenten Evening Prayer at the church every Wednesday during Great Lent 6:30 PM. All are kindly requested to attend.
Confession — As we are now in the Lenten season, whoever wishes to do Holy Confession, kindly reach out to Achens as soon as possible. We highly suggest that you do not wait until the retreat day to do confession.
FOCUS Meeting — There will be a FOCUS Meeting this Friday, February 23rd at 7 pm at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. George Palakkadan. A friendly reminder to bring your Shehimo prayer book and Beginning to Pray book.
MMVS Attendance Award — The MMVS of our parish would like to award Mrs. Elizabeth Sunny the MMVS Attendance Award, for attending and participating in every MMVS meeting for the past year.
MGOCSM Meeting — There will be an MGOCSM meeting held at the church on Friday, March 2nd at 6:30 pm. All MGOCSM members are requested to attend especially since this will be the MGOCSM’s first meeting of the year.
GROW One Day Conference —The 7th annual One-Day GROW Conference will be held on April 14th from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm at our church. It will be open to all women ages 13 and up. Registration is $15 online and $20 at the door so please try to register online at your earliest.
Education Day — This coming Saturday, February 24th there will be an Education Day for all the Sunday School students. This event is FREE of cost and is a great opportunity for the Sunday School children to enjoy fellowship with one another and also learn from this year’s theme which is taken from Matthew 6:34. All are asked to arrive by 1:30 pm so that we can start the day promptly and finish the activities in time for evening prayer.
STYL Basketball Tournament — This year’s STYL Basketball tournament will be held on Saturday, June 30th. There will be a STYL Basketball tournament meeting next Sunday after Sunday School. The tickets for the tournament will be inaugurated next week.
CROP Hunger Walk – As a parish we participated in the CROP Walk at Eisenhower Park on Saturday. Thank you for all those who donated to the cause and also who walked as well. We raised approximately $1500 through private donations and also through the bake sale. Thanks to all the youth and the parents who participated in the event.
MGOCSM Winter Summit – The MGOCSM Winter Summit will be taking place from Dec 27th-30th, 2017 at Holy Transfiguration Retreat Center. Click the following link ( for registration. Please see the flyer below for more details.
Parish Committee Meeting – There will be a parish committee meeting next Sunday, October 15th after refreshments.
Parish Softball Team – Congratulations to our softball team for participating in the annual BKV Memorial Softball Tournament and getting the 2nd place prize.