- MGOCSM Fundraiser – The MGOCSM is hosting a fundraiser at California Pizza Kitchen in Westbury on this Friday, April 6th. The restaurant will be donating 20% of the profits from that day back towards the youth fund to be donated to charity. The youth will also be meeting up for lunch at the restaurant at 4 pm that day to support the cause and engage in fellowship. All MGOCSM members are encouraged to attend! Please bring the attached flyer below to the restaurant so that they can make the donation to the church. California Pizza Kitchen Flyer (To Print)
- GROW Conference – The annual GROW One Day conference will be hosted at our church this year on April 14th from 8:30 to 4:30. Registration is $15 online and $20 at the door so please register online at your earliest. Register by using the link: https://northeastamericandiocese.formstack.com/forms/grow2018
- Sunday School Announcements
- Area Wide OVBS – A combined OVBS for all parishes of the Brooklyn, Queens, and Long Island area will be held this year on July 11th-13th. OVBS will be using a centralized curriculum with lessons based on the theme. The registration fee will be $35 per child (This includes a T-Shirt, Songbook, 3 days Breakfast, Lunch, Evening Snacks and Drinks). Pre-registration is required, $35/child until April 8th. The fee will increase after April 8th. Please see Principal /Asst. Principal for details.
- Sunday School Teacher Conference/Training – Our church will be hosting a combined Teachers Conference/OVBS Teachers/Volunteers training. It will be held on Saturday, April 21st, 2018 conducted by Rev. Fr. Dr. Thomas George.
- House Visits – As there is a tradition to visit and bless houses of parishioners the days after Easter, the Achens will scheduling visits to houses from the week of April 22nd and continue until all houses are covered. Both Achens and a lay person will visit the house. Visits will mostly take place on Thursday evenings and Sunday afternoons. Kindly schedule a visit by contacting Mr. Stanley Thomas at your earliest convenience.
- 2017 Sunday School Newsletter – Please see the attached Sunday School 2017 Newsletter, which lists all Sunday school events from 2017. Thanks to Ajith Thomas and Shilpa Mathew for putting the newsletter together. SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER_2017
Flyer for MGOCSM Fundraiser. (Bring to California Pizza Kitchen) Page 1 of 2017 SS Newsletter
Author: stthomasli
Parish Lenten Retreat
This year’s parish Lenten Retreat will be held on Saturday, March 24th. Confession will begin at 10 am. The retreat message will be given at 3:00 pm by Rev. Fr. Sujit Thomas. The day will conclude with Vespers at 6:30 pm. All are kindly requested to attend.

St. Thomas Orthodox Church of Long Island will be having Divine Liturgy on Thursday, March 22nd, for the 40th day of the Great Lent. The chief celebrant will be H.G. Zachariah Mar Nicholovos, the Metropolitan of the Northeast American Diocese. Vespers will begin at 6:30 pm followed by Divine Liturgy. All are welcome to attend!

- MMVS Meeting – There will be meeting today after refreshments. All MMVS are requested to attend.
- Altar Servers Meeting – Will be held today after Sunday school. We will have a special class on Hesychasm, dealing with intrusive thoughts and the practice of the Jesus Prayer. After the session we will plan to have fellowship lunch at a restaurant nearby. All Altar Servers are requested to attend. Please find some pictures from the fellowship lunch below.
- FOCUS Meeting – Will be held this Friday, January 20th at 7pm at the Residence of Mr. Cheriyan Abraham. All FOCUS members are requested to attend. A friendly reminder to bring you Shehimo Books and Beginning to Pray books.
- General Body Meeting – will be held on Sunday, January 22nd. All eligible members are requested to attend.
- MGOCSM Faith Study Series – This month’s will be held on Friday, January 27 at 6pm at church. For this month we will be discussing on the topic of How to Discern the Will of God in our journey in life. All MGOCSM members are requested to attend.
- MGOCSM Education Series – The MGOCSM is hosting a 4-part education Series on the Holy Qurbana. It will be taught by Aju Achen on the first Sundays of February, March, April and May. The first of these series is on Sunday, February 5th from 2-3:30 at St Basil Franklin Square. The fee is $20 for all four classes and a registration link will be made available in the coming weeks. If you are interested or have questions regarding this event, please contact one of youth members.
- New Jersey Leadership Camp – The camp will be held this July and in the hopes of fundraising for this camp, the committee has released 2017 calendars which will be available for purchase for $10. The calendar contains important information regarding saints as well as weekly bible readings. If you would like to purchase one, please see Julia Mathew and Manoj Varghese.
- Family Conference 2017 – will be held from July 12-15th (Wednesday-Saturday) at Kalahari Resorts at Poconos Manor in Pennsylvania. Discounted rates will be given till end of this month. To register go online to www.fyconf.org.
- New Born Baby Girl – Kindly join me in congratulating Mr. Linu and Remya Panicker on their new born baby girl, Evelyn Lizbeth Panicker. Let us keep the newborn and the family in our prayers.
The weekly announcements for June 12th, 2016 are as follows:
- Altar Servers Training – Saturday, June 18th, 2016 at 4pm.
- FOCUS Meeting – will be held on Friday, June 24th at 7:00pm at the residence of Juby & Giny.
- MMVS Bible Study – will be next week after Service- Sunday, June 26th.
- Parish Perunal – July 1st and 2nd, Friday and Saturday. Please see the flyer.
- Trip to Lancaster PA – Wednesday, August 24th. We have 27 seats left. Cost is $88 per adult and $57 for children. Kindly see Danniya Samuel or Shojil Abraham to sign up or for more details.
Welcome to the website of St. Thomas Malankara Orthodox Church, Long Island. This site is a medium to share information about the happenings of the parish. Please check back regularly for updates!!