
Weekly Announcements – 12/22/2019

  1. Baby Boy – Drs. Joel & Fateema Abraham were blessed with a baby boy, Aydhin Abraham, this week. Please keep the baby and the family in your prayers.
  2. MGOCSM Meeting– The last MGOCSM meeting of this year will be held at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Vinod Abraham today at 4 pm. All youth members are kindly requested to attend and bring their Qurbana kramam.
  3. Christmas Schedule
    1. Christmas Eve – Evening Prayer will begin at 6:30PM.
    2. Christmas Day – Service will begin at 7AM.
  4. 2019 Talent Show – The date for annual talent show is December 29th at 3pm.  The Talent Show is open to all parishioners who are interested in participating. If you would like to show your talents, please reach out coordinators Mrs. Rani Paul and Mrs. Sumini Thomas. The deadline for submitting programs is today. Those who need a track or other arrangements please email Mrs. Rani Paul at your earliest. The email will be posted on the website (
    • Additionally, we will be providing dinner to all participants and guests. We appreciate all parishioners sincere cooperation. If you would like to donate for the dinner, please see Mr. T.P Mathew.
  5. Council of Indian Orthodox Churches Combined Christmas & New Years Program – will be held on Jan. 5th at Glen Oaks HS at 4pm. All members are requested to attend.