

  1. Passing of Mrs. Santhamma Korah – the sister-in-law of Mr. George Mathew on Friday in India.  The funeral will be taking place next week at St. Thomas Church, Chennai.  Please keep the bereaved family in your prayers.
  2. Monthly Committee Meeting – there is a monthly scheduled Committee Meeting next Sunday, Dec. 1st.
  3. Thanksgiving Potluck – The annual youth and FOCUS Thanksgiving potluck will be held this Friday November 29th, 6:30 pm at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Sini Jablonski. Please refer to the sign up sheet posted on GroupMe and sign up as soon as possible.
  4. MGOCSM Annual Thanksgiving Conference – The MGOCSM of the NE American Diocese will be holding its one day conference next Saturday, Nov. 30th at St. Stephen’s Orthodox Church of Midland Park, NJ from 8:30AM to 5PM. The main speaker for the conference will Dn. Alexander (Pradeep) Hatcher.  MGOCSM members please see the website for more details on how you can register.
  5. MGOCSM Missions Raffle- As announced previously, the MGOCSM is selling raffle tickets for $10  to fundraise for the missions trip. Today is the last day to purchase tickets, so kindly see Ms. Ruth Abraham or Mr. Swagath Thomas to purchase one and support the missions trip today.
  6. MGOCSM Meeting – There will be a youth meeting next Sunday, December 1st, 4 pm, at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Vinod Abraham. All MGOCSM members are requested to attend.