
Weekly Announcements – 11/10/2019

  1. Christmas Caroling Practice – we will be having our second Christmas Caroling practice on Nov. 16th after Evening Prayer.  All members are requested to participate.
  2. MGOCSM Elections– The MGOCSM elections will be held on Sunday November 17th immediately after service on the balcony. All youth members are requested to attend, especially if they are interested in serving on the committee next year.
  3. Children’s Movie Night– The FOCUS and youth will be hosting a holiday movie night for the children on Saturday November 16th at 3:30 pm. All young children and youth are encouraged to participate! Please see Mrs. Sini Jablonski or Ms. Angel Sunny for more information.
  4. Thanksgiving Potluck– The annual youth and FOCUS Thanksgiving potluck will be held on Friday November 29th, 6:30 pm at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Sini Jablonski.
  5. MGOCSM Annual Thanksgiving Conference – The MGOCSM of the NE American Diocese will be holding it one day conference on Saturday, Nov. 30th at St. Stephen’s Orthodox Church of Midland Park, NJ from 8:30AM to 5PM. The main speaker for the conference will Dn. Alexander (Pradeep) Hatcher.  MGOCSM members please see the website for more details on how you can register.
  6. Sunday School Announcements:
    1. Sunday, November 17th – We will be celebrating all November birthdays following class that day.
    2. Sunday, November 24th – In lieu of regular classes, there will be a “Sunday School Crafts Day,” for all the Sunday School children. All Sunday School children are requested to be present.