Sunday School

Weekly Announcements – 09/03/2023

  1. Feast of the Birth of St. Mary – Holy Qurbana celebrating the feast of the Birth of St. Mary, the Mother of God, will be held on Thursday, September 7th at 6:30pm. All are requested to attend. 
  2. The Feast of Holy Cross – The Feast of Holy Cross (Sleeba Perunal) will be celebrated on Wednesday, September 13th evening at 6:30pm. 
  3. Sunday School New Academic Year – Next Sunday, September 10th, is the first day of Sunday School. All Parents are requested to have their children present for Sunday School. 
  4. Parish Family Night – Our Parish family night will be held on Sunday, October 8th. It will be held at the Cotillion Restaurant from 4:00pm- 8:30pm. Please sign up as soon as possible. $50 per head. Children 5 to 10 years of age are half price and below 5 years free. Registration will be done online and the link will be sent out soon. We want everyone to participate.
CK NO 17 2023 FYC

Weekly Announcements – 08/27/2023

  1. MMVS of BQLI – will have a half day retreat from 9 AM to 12 PM on September 2nd at St. Gregorios Orthodox Church, Elmont. The speaker will be Fr. Jerry Varghese and the theme for the retreat will be  Nicene Creed.
  2. Parish Family Night – Please sign up once the form is published. $50 per head. Children 5 to 10 years of age half price and under 5 years free.

Weekly Announcements – 08/13/2023

  1. Parish Picnic – will be held on Saturday, August 19th @ Belmont Lake State Park. Please arrive by 8:30AM.
  2. Sight&Sound Trip – if you have registered for the trip, it will be coming up on August 23rd. We will be going to Sight&Sound Theatre for the performance of Moses.
  3. Parish Harvest Festival – will be held on Sunday, August 27.
  4. General Body Meeting – There will be an in-person General Body meeting held Sunday, Aug 20th after Holy Qurbana. All members are kindly requested to attend this meeting.
  5. 2022 Graduates – All students who graduated from high school, college or post graduation in 2023 are requested to submit their names to the Office.
  6. Council of Indian Orthodox Churches – please see the flyer below regarding details of the annual convention.
COIC 2023 Convention

Weekly Announcements – 08/06/2023

  1. The Fast of Dormition of St. Mary – will observed from August 1-15. The end of the Fast is Tuesday, August 15. We will have Holy Qurbana on Monday 14th at 6:30pm.
  2. Parish Picnic – will be held on Saturday, August 19th @ Belmont Lake State Park. Please arrive by 8:30AM.
  3. Sight&Sound Trip – if you have registered for the trip, it will be coming up on August 23rd. We will be going to Sight&Sound Theatre for the performance of Moses.
  4. Parish Harvest Festival – will be held on Sunday, August 27

Weekly Announcements – 06/25/2023

  1. Parish Perunnal – All are Welcome to the Feast of our Patron Saint, St. Thomas, the Apostle!
2023 Parish Perunnal Flyer

Weekly Announcements – 06/11/2023

Please see the attached Kalpana from our Diocesan Metropolitan, and related flyers.  Kindly use the following registration links with the associated camp/trip:

CK NO 14 2023 MGOCSM
Sabro High School Camp
Summer Summit College Camp
Missions Domestic Trip
Missions International Trip

Weekly Announcements – 05/14/2023

  1. Feast of Ascension – Holy Qurbana at 6.30pm this Wednesday
  2. Bible study class – The CIOC is conducting a Bible study class at St. Gregorios Orthodox Church, Cherry Lane on May 20th by Rev Fr Dr Rinju P Koshy “A journey through Kathirippu.
Bible Class Study

Weekly Announcements – 05/07/2023

  1. The Moses Show – Our parish has arranged a trip to the Sight & Sound theater in Lancaster PA to see the show Moses on Wednesday August 23rd. The total cost to attend for adults will be $140 and $100 for children 12 and below. For more information, please see Mibby Abraham. Only 15 tickets left.
G.R.O.W. Conference Flyer

Weekly Announcements – 04/30/2023

  1. Holy Week Donation – A friendly reminder to those who have not yet contributed the $100 donation for Holy Week, please give your donation to the Treasurer as soon as possible.

Weekly Announcements – 04/23/2023

  1. Sight & Sound Trip (Moses) – Our parish is arranging a trip to the Sight & Sound theater in Lancaster PA to see the show Moses on Wednesday August 23rd. The total cost to attend for adults will be $140 and $100 for children 12 and below. For more information, please see Mrs. Mibby Abraham.