
Weekly Announcements – 03/24/2019

  1. Upcoming Holy Qurbana Services
    • Mid-Lent Service – will be held on this Tuesday March 26th at 6:30PM. All members are kindly requested to attend.
  2. Holy Week Donation – All members are kindly requested to make a donation of $100 to help meet the expenses for Holy Week. Kindly give your donation to the Treasurer as soon as possible.
  3. Monthly Prayer Meeting – The monthly prayer meeting for March will be held next Sunday, March 31st, at 6pm at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Vinod & Mibby Abraham.


  1. Upcoming Holy Qurbana Services
    1. Feast of Annunciation to St. Mary – will be held on Monday, March 25th at 8 am.  All members are kindly requested to attend.
    2. Mid-Lent Service – will be held on Tuesday, March 26th at 6:30 PM. All members are kindly requested to attend.
  2. FOCUS Meeting – there will be a FOCUS Meeting on Friday, March 22nd at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Alex & Tigi Abraham at 6:30 pm.
  3. MGOCSM Lenten Retreat – The Annual BQLI Lenten Retreat will be held on March 23rd, 2019 at our parish from 9 am – 4 pm.  The theme of the retreat will be “The Penitent Thief”. All MGOCSM members are encouraged to attend.  Please see the flyer below for more details.
  4. Monthly Committee Meeting – there will be a monthly scheduled Committee Meeting next Sunday, March 24th after Holy Qurbana.
  5. Monthly Prayer Meeting – The monthly prayer meeting for March will be held on March 31st, at 6 pm at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Vinod & Mibby Abraham
2019 MGOCSM BQLI Lenten Retreat
Happy Birthday to our Vicar, Very Rev. Dr. Yohannan Sankarathil Cor-Episcopos!
March MGOCSM Meeting


  1. Baby Girl – Mr. & Mrs. Midhun & Jemy Chacko were blessed with a baby girl Amelia Chacko this week. Please keep the baby and the family in your prayers.
  2. MGOCSM Meeting – There will be an MGOCSM meeting next Sunday March 17th, 4 pm at the residence of Dr. &  Mrs. Thomas Mathew. All youth members are asked to kindly attend this event and stay for the basketball meeting which will be held promptly afterwards.
  3. Monthly Prayer Meeting – The monthly prayer meeting for March will be held on March 31st, at 6pm at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Vinod & Mibby Abraham


  1. Great Lent Begins – There will be evening prayer every Wednesday during Great Lent at 6:30 PM at the church. All members are encouraged to attend.



  1. Monthly Prayer Meetings – The monthly prayer meeting for February will be held on Feb. 24th, next Sunday at 6pm at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Alex & Tigi Abraham.
  2. FOCUS Seminar – our parish is hosting a on day seminar on Kind & Careful Online Communication for Parents. The seminar will be held on May 4th, from 9:30am to 12:30pm at our parish hall. This seminar will be open to all parents of all ages and friends of the parish to learn about guiding our children through the ever-changing world of technology and social media. Please reach out to FOCUS members regarding registering for this seminar, or please use this link.
  3. MMVS Announcements
    • Membership Dues – all MMVS members are requested to give $25 for the 2019.
    • Refreshments During Great Lent – Great is approaching, and once again the MMVS is willing to cater food for the parish every Sunday during Great Lent, for the small donation of $600. Please contact the Mrs. Mary Varghese for this opportunity. The dates available to sponsor are March 3rd, 10th, 24th and April 7th.
  4. Education Day – Sunday School will be hosting its annual Education Day next Saturday, February 23rd at our parish at 1:00pm. All Sunday School children are kindly requested to attend. The theme is; the Gospel of St. Mathew 5: 14-16; “Becoming the light of the world.” Please see Mr. Nevin Joseph to register for the event.
  5. BQLI Fellowship Day – The MGOCSM of the BQLI area is hosting a day for fellowship on Saturday February 23rd, 4 pm, at Cherry Lane church. Youth members who are in college are encouraged to attend.
  6. Monthly Committee Meeting – There will be a monthly scheduled committee meeting next Sunday, Feb 24th after Holy Qurbana. All Committee Members are kindly requested to attend.
FOCUS Online Communication Seminar

Weekly Announcements – 02/10/2019

  1. Fast of Nineveh (3-Day Lent) – The Fast of Nineveh is being celebrated from this Monday to Wednesday.  There will be evening prayer everyday during the fast and will be concluded with Holy Qurbana on this Wednesday, Feb. 13th at 6:30PM.
  2. Monthly Prayer Meetings – If anyone would like to host the monthly prayer meeting for February, please contact Mrs. Sandhya Stephen. The prayer meeting will be held on Feb. 24th, the fourth Sunday of the month.
  3. Family & Youth Conference 2019 – will be held on July 17th-20th at Kalahari Resorts in Pocono Mountain, PA.  A friendly reminder that the last day for early registration is Feb. 15th.
  4. MGOCSM Meeting – There will be a youth meeting held on next Sunday February 17th at 4pm at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. K.S. Georgekutty. There will also be a basketball tournament meeting conducted after the youth meeting. All MGOCSM members are encouraged to attend.
  5. FOCUS Meeting – there will be a FOCUS Meeting on Friday, Feb 15th at the residence of Mr. Marisuiz & Sini Jablonski at 7pm.
  6. Education Day – Sunday School will be hosting its annual Education Day on Saturday, February 23rd at our parish at 1:00pm. All Sunday School children are kindly requested to attend. The theme is; the Gospel of St. Mathew 5: 14-16; “Becoming the light of the world.” Please see Mr. Nevin Joseph to register for the event.
2019 Sunday School Education Day


  1. Wedding Announcement – Ms. Ruby Sara Mathews, daughter of Mrs. Rachel A. Mathews & Mr. Mathews K. Abraham residing at 64 Chaffee Ave, Albertson, NY will be getting married to Mr. Libin Varghese, son of Mrs. Mercy Varghese & Mr. Lalji Varghese, Vellarethu Vadakkeparampil, Kozehncherry which will solemnized, by the grace of God, on Monday February 18th, 2019.
  2. Fast of Nineveh (3-Day Lent) – The Fast of Nineveh will be held from Feb. 11th to 13th.  There will be evening prayer everyday during the fast and will be concluded with Holy Qurbana on Feb. 13th at 6:30PM.
  3. Baby Boy – Mr. & Mrs. Sijo Jacob were blessed with a baby boy Simon S. Jacob this week. Please keep the baby and the family in your prayers.
  4. Monthly Prayer Meetings – If anyone would like to host the monthly prayer meeting for February, please contact Mrs. Sandhya Stephen. The prayer meeting will be held on Feb. 24th, the fourth Sunday of the month.
  5. Basketball Tournament Meeting– The first meeting for this year’s basketball tournament will be held today after Sunday School in the balcony. All youth members are encouraged to attend this meeting and actively participate in the planning of this event.
  6. Family & Youth Conference 2019 – will be held on July 17th-20th at Kalahari Resorts in Pocono Mountain, PA.  A friendly reminder that the last day for early registration is Feb. 15th.
  7. Leadership Camp Fundraiser – The youth will be selling cross necklaces and calendars to support the Northeast Leadership Camp and missions, respectively. Both items are $10 each. Please see the table downstairs if you are interested in buying these items and support these ministries.
  8. General Body Meeting – There will General Body meeting held on Feb. 10, 2019. The 2018 Annual Report and tax receipt are available in the basement. All members are requested to pick it up today and bring it back next weekend for the General Body Meeting.
  9. BQLI GROW Roundtable – BQLI GROW will be holding a one day roundtable Conference at our church on Feb. 9th from 9am-12pm. Please see the parish website for more details. All GROW members are kindly requested to to attend.
  10. MGOCSM Meeting – There will be a youth meeting held on Sunday February 17th at 4pm at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. K.S. Georgekutty. All MGOCSM members are encouraged to attend.
  11. Education Day – Sunday School will be hosting its annual Education Day on Saturday, February 23rd at our parish at 1:00pm. All Sunday School children are kindly requested to attend. The theme is; the Gospel of St. Mathew 5: 14-16; “Becoming the light of the world.” Please see Mr. Nevin Joseph to register for the event.
GROW Roundtable


  1. Monthly Prayer Meetings We will be having our first monthly prayer meeting next Sunday, Jan. 27th at 6pm at the residence of Mr. and Mrs Mohan Plamparambil, located at 91 Norman St. New Hyde Park.  All members are requested to attend. Anyone interested in having house prayer on 4th Sundays in any month from March to December please contact Mrs. Sandhya Stephen.
  2. The Feast of Lord’s Entry into The Temple(Mayaltho) will be celebrated on Saturday, Feb. 2nd and Holy Qurbana will start at 8am. All members are kindly requested to attend.
  3. Family & Youth Conference 2019 – is being held this year from July 17-19 at Kalahari Resorts in Pocono Mountain, PA. More details about the registration can be found on the conference website:
  4. MMVS Announcements
    • Service Day – Last Sunday MMVS members went to a soup kitchen run by Ebenezer church in Freeport. They donated blankets and comforters to the needy people.
    • Upcoming Charity Drives – They are planning to continue to donate care supplies (toothpaste, toothbrush cream and such) for Valentines Day. In March there will be a food drive they are looking for grains, oil, pasta and such items to feed the less fortunate.  Anyone interested can donate towards the cause.
  5. FOCUS Meeting – there will be a FOCUS Meeting next Friday, Jan. 25th at 7pm at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. George Palakkadan.
  6. Committee Meeting –
    • There will be a 2018 Committee Meeting next Saturday, Jan. 26th at 3pm at the church.  All 2018 Committee Members are kindly requested to attend as the 2018 Annual Report will be presented to the Committee at this time.
    • There will be a monthly committee meeting for the 2019 Committee on Sunday, Jan 27th after Holy Qurbana.  All 2019 Committee Members are kindly requested to attend2019 Family and Youth Conference

Weekly Announcements – 01/13/2019

Monthly Prayer Meetings – We will be having monthly prayer meetings at 6pm the fourth Sunday of every month starting on January 27th. If anyone would like to host the 1st monthly prayer of 2019 please reach out our Prayer Coordinator Mrs. Sandhya Stephen. Please reach out to her at 516-974-3817 or to discuss.


Weekly Announcements – 12/30/2018

  1. New Year Service: The New Year Service will be held on Tuesday, January 1st at 8:15am.
  2. Denaha Service: Next Sunday, morning prayer will begin at 7:30 am followed by Denaha Service and Holy Qurbana.
  3. Combined Christmas & New Year’s Celebrations – The Council of Indian Orthodox Churches of Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island will be hosting its annual Christmas & New Year’s Celebrations on Saturday, Jan. 5th from 4pm-8pm at the Glen Oaks High School auditorium. The flyer for the event will be posted on the parish website.  All members are kindly requested to attend the event.