
Weekly Announcements – 01/27/2019

  1. The Feast of Lord’s Entry into The Temple(Mayaltho) – The Feast will be celebrated next Saturday, Feb. 2nd and Holy Qurbana will start at 8am. All members are kindly requested to attend.
  2. Basketball Tournament Meeting– The first meeting for this year’s basketball tournament will be held next Sunday after Sunday School in the balcony. All youth members are encouraged to attend this meeting and actively participate in the planning of this event.
  3. MMVS Announcements
    1. Upcoming Charity Drives – They are planning to continue to donate care supplies (toothpaste, toothbrush cream and such) for Valentines Day. In March there will be a food drive they are looking for grains, oil, pasta and such items to feed the less fortunate.  Anyone interested can donate towards the cause.
    2. MMVS Membership – MMVS has a membership fee of $25, all members are requested to give this as soon as possible.
  4. Baby Boy – Mr. & Mrs. Koshy Panicker were blessed with a baby boy Nicholas George Panicker this week. Please keep the baby and the family in your prayers.
  5. General Body Meeting – There will General Body meeting held on Feb. 10, 2019.  All members are kindly requested to attend this meeting.



  1. The Feast of St. Thomas- will be held on this Thursday, December 20th at 6:30pm. If any who wishes to bring nercha for that day you may do so.
  2. Christmas Service: Monday, 24th evening at 6:30, we will have Christmas evening prayer. 25th Morning, service will begin at 7am.
  3. MGOCSM Meeting- There will be elections for next year’s youth committee after service on December 30th. All youth members are requested to attend this meeting, especially if they are interested in serving on the committee for 2019.
  4. 2018 Family Night/Talent Show – The annual talent show will be held this year on Sunday, Dec. 30th 2018 at 4 pm.  The Talent Show is open to all who are interested in participating. If you would like to show your talents, please reach out to the Sunday School Principal, Mr. Shibu Thomas or Emily George. The deadline for submitting programs is today.
    • In addition, we will be providing dinner to all participants and guests. If you would like to donate for the dinner, please see Mrs. Lali Daniel or Mr. Nevin Joseph
  5. 2018 Contributions – members should give all contributions for 2018 before 12/30/2018.
  6. Committee Meeting – There will be a 2018 Committee Meeting next Sunday 12/23/2018 after Holy Qurbana.  All 2018 Committee Members are requested to attend.
    • There will be a 2019 Committee Meeting on Saturday 12/29/2018 at 4pm at the church.  All 2019 Committee Members are requested to attend that meeting.


Weekly Announcements – 12/2/2018

    1. Memorial for Barnabas Thirumeni — Barnabas Thirumeni’s Orma is next Sunday, Dec 9th, 2018.  If anyone would like to bring nercha or donate food on that day please see the Secretary or give your name in the office.
    2. MGOCSM meeting  In lieu of a traditional MGOCSM meeting this month, there will be a Q&A session via Google Hangout this Friday, December 7th at 6 pm. All MGOCSM & FOCUS members are encouraged to join the conversation via the link which will also be posted on GroupMe.
    3. Kids Change the World Drive  Just a friendly reminder that the MGOCSM is collecting plastic bags and children’s books for the Kids Change the World organization. These will be used to give local families in need food and supplies for the holidays. Please bring in plastic shopping bags and place them in the collection box downstairs.
    4. 2018 Talent Show — The annual talent show will be held this year on Sunday, Dec. 30th, 2018.  The Talent Show is open to all who are interested in participating. If you would like to show your talents, please reach out to the Sunday School Principal, Mr. Shibu Thomas. The deadline for submitting programs is Dec. 16th.
    5. Christmas Caroling — Our Christmas Caroling program will on the days of December 15th, 16th, and 22nd.  Please see the Secretary to see details on when the carolers will come to your house.

      2018 Thanksgiving Potluck
      2018 Thanksgiving Potluck

Weekly Announcements – 11/25/2018

  1. Memorial for Barnabas Thirumeni – Barnabas Thirumeni’s Orma is on Sunday, Dec 9th, 2018.  If anyone would like to bring nercha or donate food on that day please see the Secretary or give your name in the office.
  2. General Body Meeting – there will be a General Body meeting held on next Sunday, Dec. 2nd, 2018 for Election Of Office Bearers for 2019.  All members are requested to attend this meeting. The latest contributions are posted downstairs, and everyone is asked to review it.
  3. 2018 Talent Show – The annual talent show will be held this year on Sunday, Dec. 30th, 2018.  The Talent Show is open to all who are interested in participating. If you would like to show your talents, please reach out to the Sunday School Principal, Mr. Shibu Thomas. The deadline for submitting programs is Dec. 16th.
  4. Christmas Caroling Practice – There will be Christmas Caroling Practice next Saturday, Dec 1st at 4:30 pm.
FOCUS MGOCSM Sunday School


  1. MGOCSM Thanksgiving Conference — The Annual MGOCSM Thanksgiving Conference will be held on Saturday, November 24th at St. Gregorios Valley Stream from 10 AM- 5 PM. Registration is $10 and may be completed online.

  2. Thanksgiving Potluck — The annual MGOCSM and FOCUS Thanksgiving Potluck will be held at church next Sunday, November 25th, at 4 pm. Please sign up to bring a food item to share!

  3. Vans from Queens/Nassau Area for Evening Prayer — We are thinking about starting a van service to bring members to evening prayer on Saturdays.  If you are interested please give your name to Dr. Sunil George. If there is enough demand for this service we will make arrangements for this regularly.

  4. 2018 Christmas Caroling — This year’s Christmas Caroling will take place the weekend of Dec. 15th. To ensure we have enough transportation, everyone that is interested please give your names in the office.

  5. 3rd Christmas Caroling Practice — The next Christmas Carol Practice will be held on next Saturday, 11/24 at 4:00 pm. All members are requested to attend to make it a success.

  6. General Body Meeting – there will be a General Body meeting held on Dec. 2nd, 2018 for Election Of Office Bearers for 2019. All members are requested to attend this meeting. All dues are posted downstairs TODAY, please review it and if needed talk to the Treasurer.  

  7. 2018 Talent Show — The annual talent show will be held this year on Sunday, Dec. 30th, 2018.  All who are interested in participating please reach out to the Sunday School Principal, Mr. Shibu Thomas.


Weekly Announcements – 11/11/2018

  1. MGOCSM Thanksgiving Conference — The Annual MGOCSM Thanksgiving Conference will be held on Saturday, November 24th at St. Gregorios Valley Stream from 10 AM- 5 PM. Registration is $10 and may be completed online.
  2. Winter Summit — As announced previously, this year’s Winter Summit for college and post-graduate students will be held at the Holy Transfiguration Retreat Center from December 26th – 29th. The absolute last day to register is this Wednesday, November 14th. Fees for the camp are now $150 and registration must be completed online. For more information please see Ms. Angel Sunny.
  3. Vans from Queens/Nassau Area for Evening Prayer — We are thinking about starting a van service to bring members to evening prayer on Saturdays.  If you are interested please give your name to Dr. Sunil George. If there is enough demand for this service we will make arrangements for this regularly.
  4. FOCUS Meeting — There will be a FOCUS Meeting next Friday, Nov. 16th at 7 pm at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Alex Abraham.  All FOCUS members are kindly requested to attend.
  5. 2018 Christmas Caroling — As announced last week, this year’s Christmas Caroling will take place the weekend of Dec. 15th. As we get closer to the date we will announce which areas are being covered on which day.
    1. 2nd Christmas Caroling Practice – The next Christmas Carol Practice will be held on next Saturday, 11/17 at 4:30 pm. All members are requested to attend to make it a success.

  6. Monthly Committee Meeting — There will be a monthly Committee Meeting next Sunday, Nov. 18th, after Holy Qurbana.
  7. General Body Meeting — There will be a General Body meeting held on Dec. 2nd, 2018 for Election Of Office Bearers for 2019.  All members are requested to attend this meeting. All dues will be posted downstairs NEXT week, if you need to clarify any details please talk to the Treasurer.
  8. 2018 Talent Show — The annual talent show will be held this year on Sunday, Dec. 30th, 2018.  All who are interested in participating please reach out to the Sunday School Principal, Mr. Shibu Thomas.


  1. MGOCSM Drive — The MGOCSM is hosting a drive to support Kids Change the World, an organization that works to support young children in need around the world. Please place children’s books and plastic grocery bags you would like to donate in the marked box downstairs.
  2. MGOCSM Meeting — The next youth meeting will be held on Friday, November 9, 2018, 5:30 pm at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Sunny P. Chacko. All youth members are kindly requested to attend.
  3. MGOCSM Thanksgiving Conference — The Annual MGOCSM Thanksgiving Conference will be held on Saturday, November 24th at St. Gregorios Valley Stream from 10 AM- 5 PM. Registration is $10 and may be completed online.
  4. Vans from Queens/Nassau Area for Evening Prayer — We are thinking about starting a van service to bring members to evening prayer on Saturdays.  If you are interested please give your name to Dr. Sunil George. If there is enough demand for this service we will make arrangements for this regularly.
  5. 2018 Christmas Caroling — This year’s Christmas Caroling will take place the weekend of Dec. 15th and 16th, and like last year we will be going as two separate groups.  As we get closer to the date we will announce which areas are being covered on which day.
  6. Christmas Caroling Song Practice — The first song practice for Caroling will take place next Saturday, Nov 10th at 4 pm in the hall.  All are encouraged to attend and learn the songs.


  1. Feast of St. Gevarghese Mar Gregorios (Parumala Perunal) — will be celebrated next Sunday, Nov. 4th.  Special thanks to everyone that signed up to bring food for the feast. Anyone not bringing food is requested to give donations.

  2. MGOCSM Drive — The MGOCSM is hosting a drive to support Kids Change the World, an organization that works to support young children in need around the world. Please place children’s books and plastic grocery bags you would like to donate in the marked box downstairs.

  3. MGOCSM Meeting — The next youth meeting will be held on Friday, November 9, 2018, 5:30 pm at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Sunny P. Chacko. All youth members (ages 13 – 22) are kindly requested to attend.

  4. MGOCSM Thanksgiving Conference — The Annual MGOCSM Thanksgiving Conference will be held on Saturday, November 24th at St. Gregorios Valley Stream from 10 AM- 5 PM. Registration is $10 and may be completed online.

  5. Winter Summit Registration — This year’s Winter Summit for college and post-graduate members will be held from December 26th – 29th at the Holy Transfiguration Retreat Center. The last day to register for this conference will be this Thursday, November 1st.

  6. House Visits — We have been doing house visits for the past six months and it has been going well. If you would like to schedule one for your home please reach out to Mr. Stanley Thomas.


Weekly Announcements – 10/21/2018

  1. MGOCSM Drive — The MGOCSM is hosting a drive to support Kids Change the World, an organization that works to support young children in need around the world. They will be collecting children’s books and plastic grocery bags in a marked box downstairs. For more information please see Mr. Joshua Abraham.

  2. FOCUS Meeting — there will be a FOCUS Meeting next Friday, October 26th at 7 pm at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Alex Abraham.

  3. Monthly Committee — Meeting – there will be a Monthly Committee Meeting next Sunday after Holy Qurbana. All Committee Members are kindly requested to attend.


Weekly Announcements – 10/14/2018

  1. Male Cantors Group – the parish will be starting a male cantors group. If any men or boys wish to participate please submit your name to the Vicar.
  2. MGOCSM Drive– The MGOCSM is hosting a drive to support Kids Change the World, an organization that works to support young children in need around the world. They will be collecting children’s books and plastic grocery bags in a marked box downstairs. For more information please see Mr. Joshua Abraham.
  3. Refreshments – Special thanks to Mr. Shibu Thomas & family for today’s refreshments. May God Bless your generosity.