
Weekly Announcements – 06/23/2024

  1. Holy Apostles Fast (13 Day Lent) – We are in the season of Lent of the Holy Apostles. Holy Qurbana, for the end of the fast and to celebrate the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, will be held on Saturday June 29th, 2024. All are requested to attend.
  2. Parish Perunal – Our Parish Perunal will be held on Friday, July 5th evening and Saturday, July 6th. Holy Qurbana will begin at  8:30am on Saturday, July 6th. All are requested to attend.
  3. Parish Picnic – Parish picnic will be held on July 20, 2024 at Belmont Lake State Park.
  4. CIOC Convention – will be held on  August 3rd  & 4th at Our Lady of Snow’s RC Church at Floral park. Main speaker is  Fr. Varghese Varghese , Vicar St. George Puthupally, Kerala, India.

Weekly Announcements – 06/16/2024

  1. CIOC Choir – Council of Indian Orthodox Churches would like to invite anyone interested to join the choir. There is no age limit. 
  2. CIOC Convention – will be held on  August 3rd  & 4th at Our Lady of Snow’s RC Church at Floral park. Main speaker is  Fr. Varghese Varghese , Vicar St. George Puthupally, Kerala, India.
  3. Holy Apostles Fast (13 Day Lent) – We are in the season of Lent of the Holy Apostles. Holy Qurbana, for the end of the fast and to celebrate the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, will be held on Saturday June 29th, 2024. All are requested to attend. 
  4. Parish Perunal – Our Parish Perunal will be held on Friday, July 5th evening and Saturday, July 6th. Holy Qurbana will begin at  8:30am on Saturday, July 6th. All are requested to attend. 
  5. Parish Picnic – Parish picnic will be held on July 20, 2024 at Belmont Lake State Park.
  6. Summer Summit 2024 – will take place at HTRC from June 27th-29th. This camp is for all college aged and post-graduates, the main speaker for the conference will be Rev. Fr. Vijay Thomas, Please see details below on how to register.
Summer Summit 2024

Weekly Announcements – 05/26/2024

  1. Summer Summit 2024 – will take place at HTRC from June 27th-29th. This camp is for all college aged and post-graduates, the main speaker for the conference will be Rev. Fr. Vijay Thomas, Please see details below on how to register.
Summer Summit 2024

Weekly Announcements – 05/19/2024

  1. MMVS Annual Conference – will take place at HTRC from June 13-15, 2024. All MMVS members are requested to participate. Please see the flyer below for more details.
  2. Summer Summit 2024 – will take place at HTRC from June 27th-29th. This camp is for all college aged and post-graduates. Please see details below on how to register.
  3. St. Johns Orthodox Church Musical Concert – St. John’s Orthodox Church, Bellerose is also  conducting a Musical Concert to mark the 10th anniversary of the inception of their  church on May 26th at Queensborough Community College. This is a fund raising event for (Education Aid charity) in India and for the future of their parish. Your prayers and presence is requested.
  4. St. Andrews Conference – St. Andrew’s Orthodox Church will be hosting a Life After Loss conference on Saturday, June 15th at the Seminary of Immaculate Conception in Huntington, New York.  This conference is designed to help faithful navigate grief over the death of a loved one/parent, anticipatory grief, and how to talk to children about death. Interested individuals can register here: Additional information can be found in the flyer below.
2024 MMVS Annual Conference Flyer
Summer Summit 2024
St. John’s Orthodox Church Concert

Weekly Announcements – 05/05/2024

  1. Feast of Ascension – Holy Qurbana will be celebrated on Wednesday, May 8th at 6:30pm, all are requested to attend.
  2. Feast of Sts. George & John – St John’s Orthodox Church, Bellerose is conducting annual combined Feast of St. John the Apostle and St. George the Martyr  on May 9th, 10th at 6 pm  and Saturday, May 11th @ 8 am. You are humbly requested to attend. 
  3. St. Johns Orthodox Church Musical Concert – St. John’s Orthodox Church, Bellerose is also  conducting a Musical Concert to mark the 10th anniversary of the inception of their  church on May 26th at Queensborough Community College. This is a fund raising event for (Education Aid charity) in India and for the future of their parish. Your prayers and presence is requested
  4. FOCUS Seminar – is hosting a seminar on Understanding and Treating Problematic Screen Use.  It will be held on May 11th at 10 AM at our parish.  Please make use of these rare opportunities for you and your family.  Register using this link.  For further information, please contact Sini Jablonski, Rebu Thomas or Ajit Thomas. 
  5. Family & Youth Conference 2024 – Please register for family and youth conference.  Also, those who are promised to give ads for the souvenir please send it ASAP.
  6. St. Andrews Conference – St. Andrew’s Orthodox Church will be hosting a Life After Loss conference on Saturday, June 15th at the Seminary of Immaculate Conception in Huntington, New York.  This conference is designed to help faithful navigate grief over the death of a loved one/parent, anticipatory grief, and how to talk to children about death. Interested individuals can register here: Additional information can be found in the flyer below.
St. John’s Orthodox Church Concert

Weekly Announcements – 04/22/2024

  1. FOCUS Seminar – is hosting a seminar on Understanding and Treating Problematic Screen Use.  It will be held on May 11th at 10 AM at our parish.  Please make use of these rare opportunities for you and your family.  Register using this link.  For further information, please contact Sini Jablonski, Rebu Thomas or Ajit Thomas.
  2. St. Gregorios Elmont Career Fair – our sister parish is hosting the INSPIRE Career Expo. This is for all HS & College students plus their parents, and even adults expoloring new careers.
Understanding & Treating Problematic Screen Usage

Weekly Announcements – 04/14/2024

  1. FOCUS Seminar – is hosting a seminar on Understanding and Treating Problematic Screen Use.  It will be held on May 11th at 10 AM at our parish.  Please make use of these rare opportunities for you and your family.  Register using this link.  For further information, please contact Sini Jablonski, Rebu Thomas or Ajit Thomas.
  2. St. Andrews Conference – St. Andrew’s Orthodox Church will be hosting a Life After Loss conference on Saturday, June 15th at the Seminary of Immaculate Conception in Huntington, New York.  This conference is designed to help faithful navigate grief over the death of a loved one/parent, anticipatory grief, and how to talk to children about death. Interested individuals can register here: Additional information can be found in the flyer below.
Understanding & Treating Problematic Screen Usage

Weekly Announcements – 04/07/2024

  1. FOCUS Seminar – is hosting a seminar on Understanding and Treating Problematic Screen Use.  It will be held on May 11th at 10 AM at our parish.  Please make use of these rare opportunities for you and your family.  Register using the link sent through WhatsApp or Newsletter.  For further information, please contact Sini Jablonski, Rebu Thomas or Ajit Thomas.
  2. Family and Youth Conference – Kindly register  for the Family and Youth Conference. If you need help to register, please reach out to the secretary.
Understanding & Treating Problematic Screen Usage

Weekly Announcements – 03/31/2024

  1. FOCUS Paint Night – is having a paint night April 5th from 6-9pm . Please see the link on GroupMe and register . Women 21 and older . Any questions please contact Sini Jablonski or Giny George.
  2. Family and Youth Conference – Kindly register  for the Family and Youth Conference. If you need help to register, please reach out to the secretary.
  3. New Sunday – will be celebrated next Sunday, April 7th.

Weekly Announcements – 03/24/2024

  1. Holy Week Schedule – Please refer to the Holy Week schedule on the church calendar as well as on WhatsApp. 
    • Evening Prayers – will be held everyday at 6:30pm this week.
    • Feast of Pesaha – will be celebrated on Wednesday, March 27, at 6pm. Please bring Vattayappam as nercha. 
  2. Holy Week Donation – Kindly donate towards the Holy Week expenses. 
  3. FOCUS Paint Night – is having a paint night April 5th from 6-9pm . Please see the link on GroupMe and register . Women 21 and older . Any questions please contact Sini Jablonski or Giny George. 
  4. Family and Youth Conference – Kindly register  for the Family and Youth Conference. If you need help to register, please reach out to the secretary.
2024 Holy Week Schedule