- Sunday School Education Day – Yesterday we had our Sunday School Education Day led by the MGOCSM of our parish. I want to thank the youth for taking the initiative for organizing the program for the day.
- MGOCSM Meeting – Our next MGOCSM meeting will be held this Friday, February 24th at 6pm at the residence of Dr. Thomas Mathew and Mrs. Smitha Mathew. All MGOCSM members are requested to attend.
- Great Lent – Just a friendly reminder that Great Lent begins next Monday, February 27th. If you would like to setup a time for confession kindly contact Valiya Achen or Abey Achen as soon as possible.
- Lenten Evening Prayer – We will be having Lenten evening prayer every Wednesday during Great lent at 6:30pm beginning Wednesday, March 1st. All are requested to attend.
- March Monthly Prayer Meeting – The monthly prayer meeting for March will be held on March 5th at Vailya Achen’s house.
- Worship Schedule – of the year is finalized and printed. See below for details.