MGOCSM MMVS Uncategorized

Weekly Announcements – 05/19/2019

  1. MGOCSM Charity Event – On Sunday May 26th, Memorial Day weekend, the youth will be preparing dinner for the families at the Ronald McDonald house of Long Island. If you are available to help out that day between 3 and 6 pm please sign up at your earliest using the link on GroupMe or the church website:
  2. MMVS Announcements
    • MMVS Annual Conf –  will be held on Oct. 12th, 2019 in Philadelphia.  All who are interested are requested to reach out to the MMVS members to register for the conference.  The cost of transport to the conference will be subsidized this year, for more details please reach out to MMVS members.
    • Diabetics Education Seminar – the MMVS is conducting an informational seminar on diabetics education on June 15th @ 4pm at the church.  They will be going over the basics of the disease and how to manage it.
  3. Monthly Prayer Meeting – the monthly prayer meeting will take place next Sunday, May 26th @ 6PM at the residence of Mr. Sunny P. Chacko.
  4. Monthly Committee Meeting – there will be a monthly scheduled Committee Meeting next Sunday, May 26th after Holy Qurbana. All committee members are kindly requested to attend.

Weekly Announcements – 12/30/2018

  1. New Year Service: The New Year Service will be held on Tuesday, January 1st at 8:15am.
  2. Denaha Service: Next Sunday, morning prayer will begin at 7:30 am followed by Denaha Service and Holy Qurbana.
  3. Combined Christmas & New Year’s Celebrations – The Council of Indian Orthodox Churches of Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island will be hosting its annual Christmas & New Year’s Celebrations on Saturday, Jan. 5th from 4pm-8pm at the Glen Oaks High School auditorium. The flyer for the event will be posted on the parish website.  All members are kindly requested to attend the event.


Weekly Announcements – 12/2/2018

    1. Memorial for Barnabas Thirumeni — Barnabas Thirumeni’s Orma is next Sunday, Dec 9th, 2018.  If anyone would like to bring nercha or donate food on that day please see the Secretary or give your name in the office.
    2. MGOCSM meeting  In lieu of a traditional MGOCSM meeting this month, there will be a Q&A session via Google Hangout this Friday, December 7th at 6 pm. All MGOCSM & FOCUS members are encouraged to join the conversation via the link which will also be posted on GroupMe.
    3. Kids Change the World Drive  Just a friendly reminder that the MGOCSM is collecting plastic bags and children’s books for the Kids Change the World organization. These will be used to give local families in need food and supplies for the holidays. Please bring in plastic shopping bags and place them in the collection box downstairs.
    4. 2018 Talent Show — The annual talent show will be held this year on Sunday, Dec. 30th, 2018.  The Talent Show is open to all who are interested in participating. If you would like to show your talents, please reach out to the Sunday School Principal, Mr. Shibu Thomas. The deadline for submitting programs is Dec. 16th.
    5. Christmas Caroling — Our Christmas Caroling program will on the days of December 15th, 16th, and 22nd.  Please see the Secretary to see details on when the carolers will come to your house.

      2018 Thanksgiving Potluck
      2018 Thanksgiving Potluck

Weekly Announcements – 10/14/2018

  1. Male Cantors Group – the parish will be starting a male cantors group. If any men or boys wish to participate please submit your name to the Vicar.
  2. MGOCSM Drive– The MGOCSM is hosting a drive to support Kids Change the World, an organization that works to support young children in need around the world. They will be collecting children’s books and plastic grocery bags in a marked box downstairs. For more information please see Mr. Joshua Abraham.
  3. Refreshments – Special thanks to Mr. Shibu Thomas & family for today’s refreshments. May God Bless your generosity.

Weekly Announcements – 09/16/2018

    1. Kerala Flood Disaster Relief Fund – Anyone that has signed up for the Kerala Flood Relief effort see the Treasurer to give your contribution. We would like to send the money to Kerala as soon as possible.  
    2. CROP walk: We will be participating in the 9th annual CROP Hunger walk on October 13th, 10 AM, at Eisenhower Park. All are encouraged to join our team for the walk online at  Please see the flier on the bulletin downstairs for more information.
    3. Metropolitan’s Silver Jubilee – the Banquet we had planned to honor our Nicholovos Thirumeni’s Episcopal Jubilee was postponed. The new date is Saturday November 17th (11am – 3pm). His Holiness Baselios Mar Thoma Paulose II, will bless the occasion. It will also be attended by dignitaries from our sister churches. Tickets for the banquet are $100. To purchase ticket please contact the Secretary.
    4. Monthly Committee Meeting – There will be a monthly Committee Meeting next Sunday after Holy Qurbana. All committee members are kindly requested to attend.

9th Annual CROP Hunger Walk

FOCUS MGOCSM Sunday School

Weekly Annoucements – 07/08/2018

  1. Passing of Mr. K.O. Thomas – With great sadness we regret to inform of the passing of Mr. K.O. Thomas, the father of Mr. Thomas K. Thomas. The funeral service will be conducted in India. Please keep the bereaving family in your prayers.
  2. Sunday School/OVBS – Sunday School Area 2 OVBS will be held on July 11th, 12th, & 13th from 8AM to 3:30PM at Our Lady of Lourdes R.C. Church School, 92-96 220th St., Queens Village, NY 11428.
  3. FOCUS/ MGOCSM Meeting – There will be a joint MGOCSM and FOCUS meeting this upcoming Friday, July 13th at 6:30 pm at the church. All are kindly requested to attend.
  4. 2018 Parish Picnic – This year’s picnic will be held on Saturday, July 14th, 2018 at Belmont State Park. We encourage all members to please arrive before 10am, wearing the maroon church t-shirt and to participate on this day of fellowship.
  5. Memorial Service of Mr. P.I. John – There will be a memorial service for Mr. P.I. John next Sunday, July 15th. Lunch will be provided by the family. All are invited to attend.

Weekly Announcements – 07/01/2018

  1. Basketball Tournament– Special thanks to Youth members for organizing the event and all the parents that helped out to make the event a success.  Check out pictures for the tournament: 2018 Tournament Pics
  2. 2018 Parish Perunal– Our Parish Perunal will be held on Friday, July 6th and Saturday July 7th. Friday evening we will evening prayer followed by a devotional address. Saturday morning at 8am we will begin morning prayer followed by Holy Qurbana. All are requested to attend.
  3. 2018 Parish Picnic – This year’s picnic will be held on Saturday July 14th, 2018 at Belmont State Park. We encourage all members to participate on this day of fellowship.
  4. Half-Yearly Dues – just a friendly reminder that first six months of the year are over, please see the Treasurer to review any outstanding dues.

2018 AJM Basketball Tournament
2018 STYL Presents: AJM Basketball Tournament



Passing of Mr. P.I. John

With great sadness we wish to inform you of the falling asleep of Mr. P.I. John. The wake and funeral service arrangements are as follows:

June 22nd from 3pm to 9pm
St. Thomas Malankara Orthodox Church
110 Schoolhouse Road, Levittown NY 11756

June 23rd at 8am
St. Thomas Malankara Orthodox Church
110 Schoolhouse Road, Levittown NY 11756


P.I. John

FOCUS MGOCSM Sunday School

Weekly Announcements – 06/10/2018

  1. Passing of Mrs. Rahelamma Varghese – With great sadness we regret to inform of the passing of Mrs. Rahelamma Varghese, the mother of Mrs. Elizabeth Panicker and Mr. Solomon Varghese. She is survived by her nine children and their families. The funeral service will be conducted next Tuesday in India. Please keep the bereaving family in your prayers.
  2. FOCUS Meeting – the next FOCUS meeting will be held on the coming Friday, June 15 at 7pm at the residence of Mr. Bills & Nancy Varghese. All FOCUS members are kindly requested to attend.
  3. MGOCSM Meeting – the next MGOCSM meeting will be held on Friday, June 22nd at 5:30pm at the residence of Mr. Shibu Thomas. All MGOCSM members are kindly requested to attend.
  4. Blood Drive – We will be hosting a blood drive in association with the American Red Cross here on next Saturday, June 16th from 11 am to 4 pm. If you have not yet done so please schedule an appointment to donate today.
  5. Sunday School Announcements
    • Last day of 2017-18 SS class will be on June 17th. And SS Final exams will be on June 17th.
    • If any students are interested in attending the Area-level OVBS please speak to the Principal or Assistant Principal.
  6. Half-Yearly Dues – just a friendly reminder that first six months of the year are almost over, please see the Treasurer to review any outstanding dues.
FOCUS MGOCSM Sunday School

Weekly Announcements – 06/03/2018

  1. FOCUS Meeting – the next FOCUS meeting will be held on Friday, June 15 at 7pm. All FOCUS members are kindly requested to attend.
  2. MGOCSM Meeting – the next MGOCSM meeting will be held on Friday, June 22nd at 7pm. All MGOCSM members are kindly requested to attend.
  3. Blood Drive – We will be hosting a blood drive in association with the American Red Cross here on Saturday June 16th from 11 am to 4 pm. Please see Mr. Swagath Thomas or Ms. Ruth Abraham for more information and to schedule an appointment to donate.
  4. Sunday School Announcements
    • Parish Level assigned competition will be taking place next Sunday, June 10. All students who are interested in participating please speak to the Principal or Assistant Principal.
    • If any students are interested in attending the Area-level OVBS please speak to the Principal or Assistant Principal.