
Weekly Announcements – 04/03/2022

  1. Passing of Mrs. Rachel Daniel– the mother of Mr Koshy Daniel, Thursday in Arivannor Madam Haripadu, India. She was 93 years old. The family has been with her in India. Funeral took place this Saturday. Please keep the bereaved family in your prayers.
  2. 40th Day of Lent – is on Friday, April 8th. We will be having Holy Qurbana at 6:30PM on Thursday, April 7th. All members are kindly requested to attend.
  3. Baby Boy – Mr. Denny & Mrs. Liya Samuel were blessed with a baby boy, Neo Alexander Samuel, on Fri, March 25th. Please keep the baby, mother, and family in your prayers.
  4. Palm Sunday service (April 10th) – Liliyo prayer will start at 7am and morning prayer at 7.30am.