General Body Meeting –There will be an in-person General Body meeting held on Sunday, March 13th after Holy Qurbana. All members are kindly requested to attend this meeting. The 2021 Annual Report and 2022 Budget were emailed Monday; both will be discussed during the meeting. If you have not received the report and budget, please email the account.
MMVS Monthly Meeting – The next monthly video interactive MMVS meeting will be Sunday, March 13th at 4:30pm via Zoom. Please refer to WhatsApp for the link.
1st Annual Memorial – The 1 Year Memorial for Very Rev. Dr. Mathai Yohannan Sankarathil Cor-Episcopa, will be Sunday, March 20th.
Holy Week Donation – All members are kindly requested to make a donation of $100 for Holy Week. Please give your donation to the Treasurer as soon as possible.
Livestream Discontinued – Livestream and the current dismissal process will be discontinued. For now, masks will still be required and families can continue to sit together. However, there will be no required spacing. For special events and instances, refreshments can once again be offered in the parish hall. If there is a COVID surge and the need arises, all protocols will be reinstated at that time.
Charitable Efforts/Donations – If any members would like to assist local charities, please contact the Community & Interchurch Relations Team via email at
GROW One Day Conference – The GROW Ministry will be conducting an in-person conference at three different locations on Saturday, March 19th beginning at 9am. The main speaker will be Phoebe Farag Mikhail on the theme ‘Women of Worship’ based on Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.” In this area, the conference will be held at St. Thomas Orthodox Church, Levittown, NY. Register as soon as possible at