
Weekly Announcements – 07/11/2021

  1. Eternal Rest for His Holiness Moran Mar Baselios Marthoma Paulose II – Catholicos of the East and Malankara Metropolitan. Let us keep our departed Bava Thirumeni in our prayers. May the memory of Thirumeni be eternal.
  2. Passing of Mr. Sankarathil G. George – the grandfather of Mrs. Tigi Abraham, Saturday in Konni, India. He was 103 years old. The funeral took place Sunday. Please keep the bereaved family in your prayers.
  3. Housekeeping Request – Reminder, for those who have forgotten their jackets at church, please be sure to collect them in the next few weeks. The unclaimed coats will eventually be donated.
  4. **Virtual Memorial Meeting for His Holiness – The Northeast American Diocese will be hosting a virtual memorial meeting in honor of His Holiness, Sunday, July 18th at 8pm through Zoom, with various special guest speakers.  Meeting ID: 82597747654 & Passcode: 166737
  5. **Combined Monthly Retreat & Prayer Day – The Council of Indian Orthodox Churches of Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island will be conducting a condolence meeting for Bava Thirumeni prior to its scheduled monthly retreat and prayer-day, starting at 6:30pm on Sunday, July 18th via Zoom.  Rev. Fr. Gregory Varghese, Vicar of St. Gregorios Orthodox Church, Cherry Lane will be the main speaker for the retreat.  Meeting ID: 9175333566 & Passcode: 817789

Virtual Memorial Meeting for His Holiness


Combined Monthly Retreat & Prayer Day