Holy Qurbana Sign-Up – Reminder that there is a new sign-up process for Holy Qurbana. Instructions were provided last week on how to sign up, which will be 1st come, 1st serve. The form for Sunday’s service was sent out Monday via text message. Each household should sign up only once and under the same form. If the link is still open and you are able to sign up, you will see a confirmation after you submit. You will also receive an email with your submitted form; please check your spam folder, as well. This means you are confirmed for service. Once we have reached capacity, the form will be closed and the link will not work. If you have any questions, please contact the Secretary.
Parish Lenten Retreat Messages – Our parish Lenten Retreat will take place on Zoom. The English retreat message will be given this Saturday, March 20th at 4:30pm and the Malayalam retreat message will be next Saturday, March 27th at 4:30pm. Everyone is welcome to both. The links will be sent via text message and posted on GroupMe.
Holy Week Donation – Just a reminder that all members are kindly requested to make a donation of $100 for Holy Week. Please give your donation to the Treasurer as soon as possible.
Combined Lenten Retreat – The Council of Indian Orthodox Churches of Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island will be conducting a one-day retreat on Saturday, March 27th at 10am through Zoom. Rev. Fr. Varghese Kunjukunju (from the Trivandrum Diocese) will be the main speaker. All parishioners are kindly requested to attend the event.