
Weekly Announcements – 09/15/2019

  1. Annual MMVS Conference Registration – today is the last day to give the reduced registration fee of $20 for the annual MMVS Conference. After today it goes to $25. Mrs. Sandhya Stephen will be collecting it today in the basement during lunch.
  2. CROP Walk – The annual Church World Service’s CROP walk against hunger will be held on Saturday, October 12th at Eisenhower Park. Please see Mrs. Sini Jablonski for more information or view the link on the website to join the team.
  3. GROW Roundtable – On Saturday, 9/28 from 9am-12pm, the GROW BQLI Roundtable will host Part 2 of their “Wonder Women” faith series at St. Gregorios Cherry Lane Church. The focus will be on exploring life stories and lessons from strong women of the Bible / saints. This will be a great opportunity to learn about exemplary women such as Ruth, Deborah, Esther and their parallels to our lives. Lijin (Kochamma) Thomas will be the main speaker. A crafty activity and lunch will be provided. The registration fee for this event will be $10.  Please register at
  4. Important Upcoming Parish Events – please keep the following upcoming dates in mind when making plans.
    1. Upcoming General Body Meetings
      1. October 20th – 2020 Parish Elections
      2. November 24th – 2020 Budget
    2. 2019 Christmas Caroling Dates
      1. December 7th, 8th, and 14th
  5. Metropolitan’s Annual Visit – Next Sunday H.G. Zachariah Mor Nicholovos will be conducting Qurbana and be here for his annual visit.