
Weekly Announcements – 08/11/2019

  1. Feast of the Dormition of St. Mary – we will be celebrating Holy Qurbana for the Feast of Dormition of St. Mary on August 14th at 6:30PM. All members are kindly requested to make arrangements to attend.
  2. Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser – The youth is arranging a fundraiser with Buffalo Wild Wings in Westbury. 10% of all food sales from 4-10 pm on Monday August 19th will go towards the church. The flyer will be posted on the website and available in church next week.
  3. School Supply Drive – The youth will be collecting school supplies this month to donate to those in need through the Glen Cove Youth Bureau. Kindly support this drive by placing new supplies in the box downstairs.
  4. OVBS – As announced previously, our church OVBS will be held this upcoming Friday from 9 am to 4 pm and Saturday from 1pm to 7:30 pm. All Sunday School children, teachers and volunteers are kindly requested to arrive on time both days.
  5. Council of Indian Orthodox Churches Convention – will be held from August 23rd-25th at the auditorium of Our Lady of Snows Roman Catholic Church. All members are kindly requested to make arrangements to attend.
  6. 2019 Graduates – All students who graduated from highschool or college in 2019 are requested to submit their names in the office.
  7. MMVS Annual Conference – will be held on October 12th at St. Thomas Indian Orthodox Church, 1009 Unruh Ave, Philadelphia. The registration fee for the conference is $20, and our parish will be subsidizing the transportation fee. Those who are interested should contact Mary Varghese, Sandya Thomas, and Usha Sam.