- Parish Perunal – the Parish Perunal will take place on July 5th and 6th. Please see the flyer below for more details.
- Sunday School Assigned Competition -SS Final Exams will be conducted today after refreshments. The church level assigned competition will be held on June 23rd. All sunday school students are encouraged to participate, all topics are posted downstairs. Please see Principal or Asst. Principal for more details.
- Council of Churches – there will be a Council of Churches representative meeting scheduled for next Sunday June 23rd at 3:30PM, at St. Johns Orthodox Church, Bellerose. All of our Council of Churches representatives are requested to attend this meeting.
- Anil John Memorial Basketball Tournament 2019- This year the STYL Presents: Anil John Memorial Basketball Tournament will be held on Saturday July 13th at Island Garden Basketball Gym. As in years past, all church members are kindly requested to support this event by purchasing tickets from youth members and attending the event.
- FYC 2019 – a few last minute spots are available for 2019 Family & Youth Conference(July 17th-20th). If anyone is interested in attending please contact the coordinators at familyandyouthconference@gmail.com or visit https://www.fyconf.org/registration.
- Text Messages from Church – we send our regular text messages about events happening at church. If anyone is not receiving them please come to the office to sign up.
- Monthly Committee Meeting – there will be a monthly scheduled Committee Meeting next Sunday, June 23rd after Holy Qurbana. All committee members are kindly requested to attend.

Happy Father’s Day!