Monthly Prayer Meetings – The monthly prayer meeting for February will be held on Feb. 24th, next Sunday at 6pm at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Alex & Tigi Abraham.
FOCUS Seminar – our parish is hosting a on day seminar on Kind & Careful Online Communication for Parents. The seminar will be held on May 4th, from 9:30am to 12:30pm at our parish hall. This seminar will be open to all parents of all ages and friends of the parish to learn about guiding our children through the ever-changing world of technology and social media. Please reach out to FOCUS members regarding registering for this seminar, or please use this link.
MMVS Announcements
Membership Dues – all MMVS members are requested to give $25 for the 2019.
Refreshments During Great Lent – Great is approaching, and once again the MMVS is willing to cater food for the parish every Sunday during Great Lent, for the small donation of $600. Please contact the Mrs. Mary Varghese for this opportunity. The dates available to sponsor are March 3rd, 10th, 24th and April 7th.
Education Day – Sunday School will be hosting its annual Education Day next Saturday, February 23rd at our parish at 1:00pm. All Sunday School children are kindly requested to attend. The theme is; the Gospel of St. Mathew 5: 14-16; “Becoming the light of the world.” Please see Mr. Nevin Joseph to register for the event.
BQLI Fellowship Day – The MGOCSM of the BQLI area is hosting a day for fellowship on Saturday February 23rd, 4 pm, at Cherry Lane church. Youth members who are in college are encouraged to attend.
Monthly Committee Meeting – There will be a monthly scheduled committee meeting next Sunday, Feb 24th after Holy Qurbana. All Committee Members are kindly requested to attend.