Wedding Announcement – Ms. Ruby Sara Mathews, daughter of Mrs. Rachel A. Mathews & Mr. Mathews K. Abraham residing at 64 Chaffee Ave, Albertson, NY will be getting married to Mr. Libin Varghese, son of Mrs. Mercy Varghese & Mr. Lalji Varghese, Vellarethu Vadakkeparampil, Kozehncherry which will solemnized, by the grace of God, on Monday February 18th, 2019.
Fast of Nineveh (3-Day Lent) – The Fast of Nineveh will be held from Feb. 11th to 13th. There will be evening prayer everyday during the fast and will be concluded with Holy Qurbana on Feb. 13th at 6:30PM.
Baby Boy – Mr. & Mrs. Sijo Jacob were blessed with a baby boy Simon S. Jacob this week. Please keep the baby and the family in your prayers.
Monthly Prayer Meetings – If anyone would like to host the monthly prayer meeting for February, please contact Mrs. Sandhya Stephen. The prayer meeting will be held on Feb. 24th, the fourth Sunday of the month.
Basketball Tournament Meeting– The first meeting for this year’s basketball tournament will be held today after Sunday School in the balcony. All youth members are encouraged to attend this meeting and actively participate in the planning of this event.
Family & Youth Conference 2019 – will be held on July 17th-20th at Kalahari Resorts in Pocono Mountain, PA. A friendly reminder that the last day for early registration is Feb. 15th.
Leadership Camp Fundraiser – The youth will be selling cross necklaces and calendars to support the Northeast Leadership Camp and missions, respectively. Both items are $10 each. Please see the table downstairs if you are interested in buying these items and support these ministries.
General Body Meeting – There will General Body meeting held on Feb. 10, 2019. The 2018 Annual Report and tax receipt are available in the basement. All members are requested to pick it up today and bring it back next weekend for the General Body Meeting.
BQLI GROW Roundtable – BQLI GROW will be holding a one day roundtable Conference at our church on Feb. 9th from 9am-12pm. Please see the parish website for more details. All GROW members are kindly requested to to attend.
MGOCSM Meeting – There will be a youth meeting held on Sunday February 17th at 4pm at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. K.S. Georgekutty. All MGOCSM members are encouraged to attend.
Education Day – Sunday School will be hosting its annual Education Day on Saturday, February 23rd at our parish at 1:00pm. All Sunday School children are kindly requested to attend. The theme is; the Gospel of St. Mathew 5: 14-16; “Becoming the light of the world.” Please see Mr. Nevin Joseph to register for the event.