Kerala Flood Disaster Relief Fund — As all of you are now aware of the flooding that is taking place in India, we will be circulating a donation sheet for the flood relief fund in Kerala. Please contribute within your ability for this effort.
Holy Trinity Orthodox Church Festival — Holy Trinity Orthodox Church of East Meadow is holding its annual Faith, Food & Fellowship Festival on Saturday, Sept. 1st from 10 am to 6 pm. They have invited our parish to attend the festival, and all who are interested are kindly asked to attend.
Back to School Retreat — The MGOCSM of Brooklyn/ Queens/ Long Island will be hosting a Back to School Retreat this Saturday, September 1st from 9:30 AM to 3 PM at St. Gregorios Cherry Lane. Registration is $10 and can be completed online (
. Elections for the area level committee will also take place at this event so all youth are especially encouraged to attend.
Bake Sale Flood Relief Fund — The MMVS and MGOCSM will be hosting a bake sale next Sunday after service to help raise funds for the Kerala Flood Relief effort. If you are interested in making an item for the sale please reach out to Mrs. Mary Varghese or Ms. Mariel Mathew.
MGOCSM Meeting — The next youth meeting will be held on Friday, September 7th at 5:30 pm at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Jose Varghese. All youth members are kindly requested to attend.
Holy Qurbana for the Feasts of the Birth of St. Mary and Holy Cross — We will be conducting the Feast of the Birth of the Theotokos on Saturday, September 8th at 8:00 am and the Feast of the Holy Cross on Thursday, September 13th at 6:30 pm. All are kindly requested to make arrangements to attend these liturgical services.
MMVS Annual Conference — The MMVS annual conference will be taking place in Philadelphia this year. Those who interested in attending can contact Mrs. Mary Varghese, Mrs. Sandya Thomas, or Mrs. Usha Sam by today itself. The bus to Philadelphia is being booked by the end of this month, so please give your names to reserve a spot on the bus. Also, see the flyer in the back and on the website.
Sunday School Announcements —
Sunday school classes will start again next Sunday, September 2nd, after Holy Qurbana.
Sunday School parish level talent competitions will be held on September 9th after Holy Qurbana. Please give the name of the participants to the principal or the assistant principal at your earliest convenience.
Sunday School area level competition will be held on September 22nd Saturday at St. Mary’s West Sayville church
Council of Indian Orthodox Churches Convention — The annual Council of Indian Orthodox Churches convention will take place at Our Lady of Snows Church on Sept. 14-16 at 6:30 pm. All those who are available during those days are kindly requested to make arrangements to attend.
Female Cantors Group — If any females who wish to participate in the female cantors group, kindly reach out to the Achens as soon as possible.
- FOCUS & MGOCSM Trip – Please click the following link to see images from the MGOCSM & FOCUS Trip to the Monastery of St. Dionysius The Areopagite.