MGOCSM & FOCUS trip — Members will be taking a trip to the Monastery of Saint Dionysios the Areopagite next Saturday, August 25th. A link for the event with details will be sent out on the GroupMe for both FOCUS and Youth. All members are invited to attend this spiritual outing.
Lancaster Trip — The trip to Sight and Sound theater in Lancaster will be this Tuesday, August 21st. Breakfast will be provided at the church and all participants are asked to arrive at church no later than 7:30 in the morning so that we may leave on time. Everyone is also encouraged to wear the maroon church t-shirt. As noted earlier, fees collected did not include the cost of lunch and so all are kindly reminded to bring either cash or credit with them.
MMVS Annual Conference — The MMVS annual conference will be held on Sunday, Oct. 13, 2018, at St. Thomas Orthodox Church Philadelphia, Unruh Ave. The registration and the bus fare is $50. Those who interested in attending can contact Mrs. Mary Varghese, Mrs. Sandya Thomas, or Mrs. Usha Sam as soon as possible. The bus to Philadelphia is being booked by the end of this month, so please give your names in advance if you want to reserve a spot on the bus.
Back to School Retreat — The MGOCSM of Brooklyn/ Queens/ Long Island will be hosting a Back to School Retreat on Saturday, September 1st from 9:30 AM to 3 PM led by Seminarian Royce Mathew at St. Gregorios Orthodox Church, Cherry Lane. Elections for the area level committee will also take place at this event and all youth are encouraged to attend. Those who are interested should register here:
School Supply Drive — As the new school year is about to begin, the MGOCSM will be collecting school supplies for children in need in accordance with the Glen Cove Youth Bureau. Kindly place any supplies for donation in the box downstairs next week.
Monthly Committee Meeting — There will be a monthly Committee Meeting next Sunday after Holy Qurbana. All committee members are kindly requested to attend.
Kerala Flood Disaster Relief Fund — As all of you are now aware of the flooding that is taking place in India, we will be circulating a donation sheet for the flood relief fund in Kerala during the General Body meeting. Please contribute within your ability for this effort.
Silver Jubilee Celebration — The Episcopal Silver Jubilee banquet has been postponed till further notice, as Thirumeni has said that, at this time of suffering in Kerala it is not an appropriate time for celebration.
High School & College Graduates — All students or parents of students graduating from High School or College please give your names to the Secretary.