- MGOCSM/ FOCUS Meeting — There will be a combined MGOCSM and FOCUS meeting this Friday April 27th, 5:30PM at the Aramana (2158 NY-106, Syosset, NY 11791). All MGOCSM and FOCUS members are requested to attend.
- STYL Tournament Meeting — There will be a basketball tournament meeting next Sunday the 29th after Sunday School.
- Area MGOCSM Event — This Saturday, April 28th there will be an MGOCSM areawide event at Cherry Lane church from 2-6 pm. The theme is “Jesus Christ and the Secrets of the Church” and the main speaker will be Rev Dn Shawn Thomas. Registration is $10 and may be done online: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1KbNUIm6PJyzYEh8UW0Oh8_7mO9EQ482aQ1bQgrX9eVY/viewform?usp=sharing_eil&ts=5ace6d82&edit_requested=true
- Metropolitan Episcopal Consecration Jubilee Banquet — The Northeast American Diocese of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church will be hosting a banquet for the Episcopal Silver Jubilee of our beloved Metropolitan, His Grace Zachariah Mar Nicholovos. The formal banquet will be held on the evening of Sunday, August 26, 2018, at The Green Tree Country Club, located at 538 Davenport Avenue, New Rochelle, NY 10805. His Holiness Moran Mar Baselios Marthoma Paulose II, Catholicos of the East & Malankara Metropolitan, will preside over the celebrations. Esteemed leaders from the ecumenical community will also be present on this joyous occasion.
- Monthly Committee Meeting — There will be a Committee Meeting next Sunday, April 29th, after service. All Committee Members are kindly requested to attend.