1. Weekly Fasting Prayer– Our weekly fasting prayer will be held this Friday from 10am-12pm at the parish. All are kindly requested to attend.
2. Parish Picnic– Our Parish Summer Picnic was held yesterday. Special thanks to all the volunteers, especially the youth who helped out.
3. MGOCSM Meeting– Our next MGOCSM Meeting will be held this Saturday, July 29th at 4pm here at the Church. All MGOCSM Members are requested to attend.
4. Parish OVBS– Our parish will be hosting a one day OVBS on Saturday, August 26th from 9am – 7pm. If you are interested in signup for registration will begins today. Reach out to either Mrs. Giby Jacob or Ms. Shilpa Mathew for registration. The deadline for the registration will be Monday July 31 st . The Theme for the Conference is “Be Perfect as your heavenly father is perfect” There will be a $5 charge for each student signing up. Kindly see Mr. Nevin Joseph for more details.
5. 2017 AJM Tournament Pics – Click the following link to see photos from the 2017 Anil John Memorial Basketball Tournament.