
Weekly Announcements – 7/10/16

  1. Choir Practice – There will be Choir Practice for Wedding Songs today (Sunday Evening) and tomorrow evening (Monday) at 7:30pm at the Church.
  2. Trip to Lancaster PA – to see the live production of the story of Samson by Sight and Sound, Wednesday, August 24th. Please contact Shojil Abraham or Danniya Samuel to be added to the waiting list.
  3. Area OVBS – We had our area OVBS this past week. Special thanks to the volunteers who helped out and the parents who allowed their children to attend.
  4. The Anil John Memorial Basketball Tournament – was yesterday. It was an excellent game and the STYL Basketball team won second place. Special thanks to all those who participated, volunteered, and played on the team. We would also like to thank all the parents who were present to show their support.
  5. MGOCSM & FOCUS BBQ – There will be a gathering for all the Youth and FOCUS at Sunil and Amy’s house today (Sunday) at 4pm to spend time in fellowship in lieu of the STYL tournament.
  6. Parish Open House – will be held next Sunday after service. It will be held from 2pm-6pm.
  7. Church Picnic – will be held on Saturday, July 30th at Belmont Lake State Park.
  8. MMVS Bible Study – The next MMVS Bible Study will be held on Sunday, July 24th after service.
  9. MGOCSM Faith Study –  The next Faith Study Series will be held on August 6th from 4pm-6pm at Church.
  10. FOCUS Meeting – Our next FOCUS meetingwill be held on Friday, August 12th. The venue will be announced soon.
  11. Area Matura Conference – 

MGOCSM of Northern NY/Boston/Connecticut & Brooklyn/Queens/Long Island Date/Time: Friday, August 12th (9 AM – 5 PM) to Saturday, August 13th (10 AM – 5 PM)

Venue: St. Gregorios Orthodox Church, Elmont, NY

Speaker: Rev. Dn Levon Asdourian & Seminarian Bobby Varghese

Theme: Witness His Joy

Verse: “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1-2



Weekly Announcements – 6/19/16

The weekly announcements for June 19th, 2016 are as follows:

  1. Apostles Lent– We are in the season of Lent, let us spend more time reading Scripture, prayers, spiritual books and most importantly, Holy Confession. If anyone would like to do confession, kindly reach out to either Achen’s.
  2. FOCUS Meeting– will be held on Friday, June 24th at 7:00pm at the residence of Juby & Giny.
  3. MMVS Bible Study  – will be next week after Service- Sunday, June 26th.
  4. Trip to Lancaster PA – Wednesday, August 24th. We have 21 seats left. Cost is $88 per adult and $57 for children. Kindly see Danniya Samuel or Shojil Abraham to sign up or for more details.
  5. Family Conference– registration is still open and the dates are July 13th-16th. (Wednesday evening into Saturday) If you would like to register please visit
  6. Parish Perunal – July 1st and 2nd, Friday and Saturday.
  7. Parish Website– Today we innagurated the parish website. The web team is Alex Abraham, Stanley Thomas, George Palakaddan, & Shojil Abraham. Thank you to Alex Abraham for his hard work and commitment for the past couple months in creating the website!

Weekly Annoucments – 6/12/2016

The weekly announcements for June 12th, 2016 are as follows:

  1. Altar Servers Training –  Saturday, June 18th, 2016 at 4pm.
  2. FOCUS Meeting – will be held on Friday, June 24th at 7:00pm at the residence of Juby & Giny.
  3. MMVS Bible Study  – will be next week after Service- Sunday, June 26th.
  4. Parish Perunal – July 1st and 2nd, Friday and Saturday. Please see the flyer.
  5. Trip to Lancaster PA – Wednesday, August 24th. We have 27 seats left. Cost is $88 per adult and $57 for children. Kindly see Danniya Samuel or Shojil Abraham to sign up or for more details.
