The Council of Indian Orthodox Churches of BQLI region – invites you, your family and friends to have a Family Night of entertainments and dinner. Venue – St. Thomas Orthodox Church Levittown, a Charity Fundraising Event. The admission is by Pass only. For details, please contact Mr. Philipose Samuel.
The MGOCSM of BQLI – will be hosting an in-person event titled BQLI Fall Fest, on Saturday, October 29th from 9am to 1pm at St. Gregorios Orthodox Church, Queens. We are blessed to have Seminarian Rohan Daniel, as the main speaker. This event will include group discussions regarding the topic of cyberbullying and how we can handle these types of situations.
Kalpana from our Diocese Metropolitanfor Winter Summit 2022
Kalpana from His Holiness the Catholicos of the East –
Basketball Tournament – The Anil John Memorial Basketball Tournament will be held on Saturday July 16th at Island Garden Gym in West Hempstead. The tournament will begin with inauguration at 8.30 am. The committee ask for your prayers, support and presence at the tournament.
Parish Picnic 2022– This year’s picnic will be held on Saturday, Aug 20th at Belmont State Park. (Rain date Aug 27th). We encourage all members to participate on this day of fellowship.
Martura Conference – The MGOCSM of Brooklyn/Queens/LI will be hosting the Annual Martura Camp at our Holy Transfiguration Retreat Center in Dalton, Pennsylvania, from July 27th Wednesday to Saturday July 30th 2022. The theme for this year’s camp is “Reigniting your faith” and the main speakers for this year’s camp is Very Rev. Fr. Timothy Hojniki and Seminarian Basili Mathew. The registration link for Martura:
MGOCSM of BQLI – will be hosting its annual Martura conference on Thu, Aug 12th and Fri, Aug 13th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm via Zoom. Fr. Chad Hatfield and Fr. Andrew Damick will present on the theme ‘Soldiers of God’. Registration Link:
2020 & 2021 Graduates – All students who graduated from high school or college in either 2020 or 2021 are requested to submit their names to the Secretary.
MGOCSM Meeting –There will be a youth meeting held Sunday, May 30th at 4:30pm. All youth members are kindly requested to attend. Please refer to GroupMe for the Zoom link.
MMVS Food Drive – Reminder that the MMVS of this parish, along with the BQLI area, will be collecting canned goods and dried food to help those who are in need due to the pandemic. For those who wish to donate, there will be a box located in the lobby until Sunday, May 30th.
Feast of Pentecost –will be celebrated Sunday, May 23rd. Lilio prayer will begin at 7am and morning prayer at 7:30am. H.G. Zachariah Nickolovas will be conducting Holy Qurbana at the parish for his annual visit. The form to sign up for Sunday’s service was sent out as a link via text message on Monday.
Monthly Prayer Meeting – This month’s online prayer meeting will be held Sunday, May 23rd at 4:30PM for the entire parish via Zoom. The link will be texted out later this week.
MGOCSM Meeting –There will be a youth meeting Sunday, May 30th at 4:30pm. All youth members are kindly requested to attend. Please refer to GroupMe for the Zoom link.
MMVS Food Drive – Reminder that the MMVS of this parish, along with the BQLI area, will be collecting canned goods and dried food to help those who are in need due to the pandemic. For those who wish to donate, there will be a box located in the lobby until May 30th.
Happy Birthday Achen! – Happy 85th birthday to our dear Achen, Very Rev. Dr. Mathai Yohannan Sankarathil Cor-Episcopa, on behalf of the parish.
MGOCSM Area Lenten Retreat – The MGOCSM of BQLI will be hosting the area lenten retreat on Friday, March 5th at 7pm via Zoom. The theme will be “Conquering Temptations” based on St. Matthew 6:13. Please register with the following link:
Education Day 2021 – On Saturday, March 6th at 3pm, the Sunday School ministry will be hosting its annual Education Day. The theme is from 2 Corinthians 12:10, “For when I am weak, then I am strong.” The guest speaker will be Fr. Joel Mathew from Dallas, TX. In addition to speaking, he will be leading a group for those who are in MGOCSM. All Sunday School children and MGOCSM members are asked to register and attend! Please contact Ansue Koshy for any details/questions.
Holy Qurbana Sign-Up – To sign up for Sunday, March 7th, the deadline is Wednesday, March 3rd. Please do so as soon as possible; once capacity has been reached, exceptions can not be made. If you sign up, be sure to come for service by 8:30am; doors will be closed after that time. Also, masks must be properly worn for all services.
General Body Meeting – There will be a General Body meeting held on Sunday, March 14th at 3:30pm via Zoom. The 2021 Annual Budget will be discussed at this meeting. The budget and instructions were sent to the parish members. If you have not received the 2021 Annual Budget, please email
Holy Week Donation – All members are kindly requested to make a donation of $100 for Holy Week. Please give your donation to the Treasurer as soon as possible.
Annual Subscriptions/Dues/Donations – Members are also requested to begin payment on your annual subscriptions, dues owed and any donations you wish to provide. Due to the limitations in services and our current financial situation, earlier payment would be graciously appreciated.
2020 Christmas Donations – For those who have inquired about handing in last year’s christmas donations. You are still welcome to donate for the previous year. Please notify the Treasurer at your earliest convenience, if you wish to do so.
Holy Qurbana Sign-Up – To sign up for Sunday, December 20th, the deadline is Wednesday, December 16th. If you have attended prior services, you will be placed on a waiting list if you leave a voicemail or text to sign up.
MGOCSM Canned Food Drive – The MGOCSM would like to thank everyone for their support with the canned food drive. With all your help, they were able to donate 15 boxes of food and clothing to the Mary Brennan Inn just in time for the holiday season.
MGOCSM Meeting –The MGOCSM meeting that was scheduled for Sunday, December 13th has been postponed to Sunday, December 20th at 5:30pm via Zoom. All youth members are kindly requested to attend. Link:
Passing of Mr. Idichandy Muthalaly Alexander – on Wednesday, December 2nd. He was 68 years old. The funeral took place Friday, December 4th. Please keep the bereaved family in your prayers.
Thirumeni’s Annual Visit –Next Sunday, December 13th, H.G. Zachariah Nickolovas will be conducting Qurbana at the parish for his annual visit.
Holy Qurbana Sign-Up – To sign up for Sunday, December 13th, the deadline is Wednesday, December 9nd. If you have attended prior services, you will be placed on a waiting list if you leave a voicemail or text to sign up.
MGOCSM Elections – There will be an MGOCSM meeting next Sunday, December 13th at 4pm via Zoom followed by MGOCSM elections for the next year. All youth members are requested to attend, especially if they are interested in serving on the committee next year. Link:
Masks – We would like to remind all church members of the current mask requirement in effect, which is also mandated by NY State for houses of worship. It is important that everyone keeps their masks on for their own safety as well as for our fellow parishioners. In order to make sure we create a safe environment, where everyone feels comfortable to participate in the service, we want to remind all members that they need to consistently wear their masks in church, covering both the nose and mouth. Thank you for following the set guidelines.
The Fast of the Nativity of our Lord – Lent begins this Tuesday, December 1st till the 25th. All members are kindly requested to observe.
Holy Qurbana Sign-Up – The church will remain open at a limited capacity for Holy Qurbana on Sundays. Please follow the instructions, which were sent via text and posted on the parish website to sign up for Sunday, December 6th. The deadline is Wednesday, December 2nd. If you have attended prior services, you will be placed on a waiting list if you leave a voicemail or text to sign up.
MGOCSM Canned Food Drive – The MGOCSM is hosting a canned food drive for the Mary Brennan Inn. Please bring in any non perishable canned or boxed food items. On your way in, please drop the items in the box in the lobby before entering the sanctuary. The last date for collection will be next Sunday. Please reach out to Ruth Abraham or Joshua Mathew with any further questions. They wish to thank everyone in advance for your support.