Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Glory be to Jesus Christ!
The birth of our Lord fundamentally provides us with the hope that God has not forsaken us. In spite of human frailties and the widespread of evil around the world, God has not given up on us. The cost of saving humanity did not come cheap. It took God to become human, live among us and die in order to offer His life to us. The results of the disaster which took place in the Garden of Eden were removed through His incarnation. Where death and sin infiltrated the human race, God intervened and saved us from sin and corruption. We have now access to the life in the Holy Trinity through the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Hence, the joy of this season is not simply confined to giving and receiving material gifts, but above all, it is celebrating the joy of receive the gift of deification; the grace to grow towards the likeness of God. I ask you, which gift can be more valuable than this? In the words of St. Athanasius of Alexandria, “God became man (human) so that man will become like God.” The One God, who revealed Himself to the prophets of the Old Testament, has now “taken flesh” and has revealed the fullness of God’s glory through His incarnation. He has united heaven and earth through Him and in Him. We find the meaning and purpose of our lives in His incarnation! This, my friends, is true joy.
It is easy to get caught up in the paraphernalia of the holiday season with decorations, gift shopping, sending out Christmas cards, and everything else that comes with it. In the midst of all this, let us not forget “to open” and live out the gift of deification which was granted to us on the day of our baptism. Along with celebrating our Lord’s birth, we celebrate our new birth in Christ. We celebrate the hope we have in Christ, the experience of eternal life!
During this Lenten season, let us make room in our hearts for the grace of God to enter in us by getting rid of all hatred, malice and anger. As God has not given up on us, let us not give up in our spiritual walk towards Christ and His Kingdom. Let us become the propagators of peace where it has depleted. Let us renew our minds and steadfastly work towards cultivating virtues. Let us season our conversations and interactions with one another with love and compassion. Let us become the light which guides the world out of darkness to His Kingdom.
May the blessing and peace of the incarnate Lord and savior Jesus Christ be upon you all!
with prayers,
Fr. Abraham (Abey) George