
Weekly Announcements – 04/14/2024

  1. FOCUS Seminar – is hosting a seminar on Understanding and Treating Problematic Screen Use.  It will be held on May 11th at 10 AM at our parish.  Please make use of these rare opportunities for you and your family.  Register using this link.  For further information, please contact Sini Jablonski, Rebu Thomas or Ajit Thomas.
  2. St. Andrews Conference – St. Andrew’s Orthodox Church will be hosting a Life After Loss conference on Saturday, June 15th at the Seminary of Immaculate Conception in Huntington, New York.  This conference is designed to help faithful navigate grief over the death of a loved one/parent, anticipatory grief, and how to talk to children about death. Interested individuals can register here: Additional information can be found in the flyer below.
Understanding & Treating Problematic Screen Usage