
Weekly Announcements – 11/22/2020

  1. Holy Qurbana Sign-Up – The church will remain open at a limited capacity for Holy Qurbana on Sundays. Please follow the instructions, which were sent via text and posted on the parish website to sign up for Sunday, November 29th. The deadline is Wednesday, November 25th. If you have attended prior services, you will be placed on a waiting list if you leave a voicemail or text to sign up.
  2. Monthly Prayer Meeting – We will have our monthly video interactive prayer meeting Sunday, November 29th at 4PM for the entire parish via Zoom. 
  3. MGOCSM Canned Food Drive – The MGOCSM is hosting a canned food drive for the Mary Brennan Inn. Please bring in any non perishable canned or boxed food items. There is a box placed in the lobby of the church. On your way in, please drop the items in the box before entering the sanctuary. The youth is kindly requesting that all donations be brought in a grocery bag, to avoid any cross contamination. The last date for collection will be Sunday, December 6th. Please reach out to Ruth Abraham or Joshua Mathew with any further questions. They wish to thank everyone in advance for your support.