- 40th Day of Lent – This Thursday, April 11th, we will be having Holy Qurbana at 6:30PM for the 40th Day of Lent. All members are kindly requested to attend.
- Holy Week Schedule – Please take a look at the Holy Week Schedule in the back. It will also be posted downstairs and on the parish website.
- Parish Lenten Retreat – We will be having our parish Lenten Retreat next Saturday, April 13th. Confession will start at 10AM and the retreat message will be from 3PM onwards.
- CPK Fundraiser – There will be a fundraiser for our parish at the California Pizza Kitchen in Westbury on Friday April 26th. 20% of the profits from all dine-in and take-out sales that day will be donated back to our parish once you show them our flyer. FOCUS and youth members are also encouraged to join for a fellowship dinner at the restaurant at 7 pm. Please see the flyer which will be posted on our church website for more information.
- Holy Week Donation – All members are kindly requested to make a donation of $100 to help meet the expenses for Holy Week, the contribution list is posted in the basement for your convenience. Kindly give your donation to the Treasurer as soon as possible.
- FOCUS Seminar – Our parish is hosting a one day seminar on Kind & Careful Online Communication for Parents. The seminar will be held on May 4th, from 9:30am to 12:30pm at our parish hall. This seminar will be open to all parents of all ages and friends of the parish to learn about guiding our children through the ever-changing world of technology and social media. Please reach out to FOCUS members regarding registering for this seminar.
- FOCUS Meeting – There will be a FOCUS Meeting on Friday, April 12th at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Ajit & Rebu Thomas at 6:30pm.
- FYC 2019 Souvenir – Anyone that is contributing towards the FYC 2019 Souvenir please bring all related materials to Mrs. Rosemary Yohannan at the earliest.
- Talmeedo Men’s Retreat – will be taking place at HTRC from June 16-22, 2019, and the theme for this year’s group, the Beta Class, is “Passions and Virtues”. For those interested in registering kindly refer to the link tinyurl.com/talmeedo2019 and please see Mr. Joshua Mathew for any questions.
- 2018 HTRC Year In Review – Kindly redirect to this webpage to view our Diocese’s Retreat Center’s Year In Review of 2018. https://stthomasli.org/2018-htrc-year-in-review/

CPK Fundraiser