FOCUS Meeting – the next FOCUS meeting will be held on the coming Friday, March 23rd at 7pm at the residence of Sinu and Giby Jacob. All FOCUS members are kindly requested to attend.
Parish Lenten Retreat: This year’s parish Lenten Retreat will be held on Saturday, March 24th. Confession will begin at 10am. The retreat message will be given at 3:00pm by Rev. Fr. Sujit Thomas. All are kindly requested to attend.
Holy Week Donation – All members are kindly requested to make a donation of $100 to help meet the expenses for Holy Week. Kindly give your donation to the Treasurer as soon as possible. Special thanks to Dr. Paul Thottathil for donating the palm leaves for Palm Sunday and Mr. Chacko Koyikalathu for donating incense and charcoal for Holy Week.
Holy Week Schedule – Please see the schedule below for all services taking place during Holy Week.
Good Friday Refreshments – Thank you everyone that already signed up to donate refreshments on Good Friday. A few more items are needed, so kindly see the Secretary after service if you wish to donate refreshments.
2018 OVBS – combined OVBS for the ten Indian Orthodox Parishes of the Queens-Long Island-Brooklyn Area will be held this year at Our Lady of Lourdes R.C. Church School on July 11, 12 & 13 (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) from 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM. All children between the ages of 4 and 16 are invited to attend. The flyer will be posted on the website.
Qurbana Books – we have received the Qurbana Kramam’s from the printers. Please pick up your personal copies in the basement.
Handicap Parking Spots – just friendly a reminder that only people with handicap tags should park in the handicap spots in our parking lot. Please be considerate as there are some people that really need those spots, so even if you have a handicap tag but are able to park in regular spots please do so.
Passing of Mrs. Aleyama JosephPuthuveettil – it is with sadness we wish to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Aleyama Joseph Puthuveettil, the grandmother of Mrs. Mini Jacob, wife of Sijo Jacob. Please keep the bereaved family in your prayers.