Today our parish hosted its OVBS for the Sunday school and college students. The theme for this years OVBS was taken from St. Mathew 5:48, “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
The day began with Matins followed by a message from Rev. Dn. Thomas (Shawn) Thomas. After the message the students separated into different groups where they had group discussions about the lives of saints and how that could help us in our spiritual journey. The students also participated in an arts and crafts activity where they colored their patron saint. Later on in the day Fr. Abraham and Dn. Thomas led a special activity of making of the Ameera (Qurbana Appum).
We were blessed with the presence of the Vicar, Very. Rev. Dr Yohannan Sankarathil Chor-Episcopos and the Assistant Vicar, Rev. Fr. Abraham (Abey) George. Thank you to our OVBS coordinator Nevin Joseph, our valuable donors, and the volunteers who made this day possible. We would also like to specially thank Dn. Thomas for being our main speaker for this years OVBS.
Please see the 2017 Parish OVBS album for more photos.