Weekly Fasting Prayer– Our weekly fasting prayer will be held this Friday from 10am-12pm at the parish. All are kindly requested to attend.
St. Mary West Sayville Church Parish Perunal – St. Mary’s West Sayville is conducting their Parish Perunal this Friday the 18th at 6pm and Saturday the 19th at 8:30am. The Chief celebrant isRev. Dr. Ninan. K. George, professor of Orthodox Theological Seminary in Kottayam. The flyer for the perunal is below. Those who are available are requested to attend.
Sunday School Year 2017-18– First day of Sunday School for the year 2017-2018 will be Sunday, September 17th.
Sunday School Talent Competition – will be held on Sunday, September 10th, those who are interested to participate, please register your names by contacting the principal or the vice- principal.
BQLI Area Convention – The annual BQLI area convention. The main speaker for all three days will be Rev. Dr. Ninan. K. George, professor of Orthodox Theological Seminary in Kottayam. August 25, 26, 27 Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 6:30pm at Our Lady of Snow Roman Catholic Church.
Parish General Body Meeting – Next Sunday, August 20th, we will be having our Parish General Body Meeting after service. All eligible members are requested to attend.
FOCUS Meeting –Our next FOCUS Meeting will be held on Friday, August 25th, 2017 at 7pm at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Sinu and Giby Jacob. All FOCUS members are kindly requested to attend.
BQLI Combined Area ConventionSt. Mary’s West Sayville Parish Perunal