Skip to the content- Weekly Fasting Prayer– Our weekly fasting prayer will be held this Friday from 10am-Noon at the parish. All are kindly requested to attend.
- Parish Picnic– Our Parish Summer Picnic will be held on Saturday, July 22nd at Belmont State Park at Bethpage at 9am. Everyone please bring your church t-shirts. If you need to purchase one the youth will be selling them downstairs during refreshments. Bring your own breakfast and lunch will be served at the park.
- MGOCSM Meeting– Our next MGOCSM Meeting will be held this Saturday, July 29th at 4pm here at the Church. All MGOCSM Members are requested to attend.
- Parish Committee Meeting – our next Parish Committee Meeting will be held Sunday, August 6th after service. All committee members are requested to attend
- Parish General Body meeting – our next Parish General Body meeting will be Sunday August 20th after service.
- Area Martura Conference: Our parish will be hosting this year’s MGOCSM Area Martura Conference which will be held on Friday, August 11th– Saturday August 12th from 9am-5pm. The theme for the conference is “What is Christian Legacy” and “What are the steps in leaving our legacy”. The speakers for the conference will be Rev. Fr. Alexander Kurian and Rev. Dn. Abu Koshy. All MGOCSM members are requested to attend. Information on how to register online is posted on the Flyer which will be posted on the parish website.
- MMVS Trip – The Marth Mariam Vanitha Samajam of our area are planning a trip to Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary and Monastery in Jordanville, NY on Wednesday, August 16th. Those who are interested to attending this trip kindly provide your names to Mrs. Mary Varghese or Mrs. Sandhya Thomas as soon as possible.
- Parish OVBS– Our parish will be hosting a one day OVBS on Saturday, August 26th from 9am – 7pm. If you are interested in signup for registration will begins today. Reach out to either Mrs. Giby Jacob or Ms. Shilpa Mathew for registration. The Theme for the Conference is “be Perfect as your heavenly father is perfect” There will be a $5 charge for each student signing up. Kindly see Mr. Nevin Joseph for more details.
- His Holiness the Catholicos – will be leaving back to India Monday afternoon. Let us pray for his safe return back to India.
- First Day at Church – Kindly join me in welcoming the newborn baby girl, Maya George, of Finny and Anila George. Let us uphold the new born baby and her family in our prayers.