Anil John Memorial Basketball Tournament – A friendly reminder that July 1st Saturday is the annual basketball tournament at Island Garden Gym. Kindly make arrangements to attend to show your support.
Fasting Prayer – Our weekly fasting prayer will be held at the Church from 10am-Noon. All are requested to attend.
Service Next Week – Kindly note the time change for service for next Sunday. Morning prayer will begin at 7:30am because of a baptism which will be held right after morning prayer.
Parish Perunal – A reminder that our Parish Perunal will be held on July 7th and 8th Friday and Saturday. As our guest speaker we will have Rev. Fr. Paulose Peter, the Vicar of St. Mary’s Orthodox Church, White Plains, NY.
Parish Picnic – Our Parish Summer Picnic will be held on Saturday, July 22nd. Kindly make arrangements to attend.
Sunday School Family Outing – The Sunday School is arranging a family outing to go and see the Long Island Ducks Baseball game. It will be held on Friday, August 18th at 6:30pm. We have reserved tickets and if you are interested in attending kindly let Mr. Ajit Thomas know as soon as possible. Just a friendly reminder that parents are responsible for arranging rides and supervising their children.
Parish OVBS – Our parish will be hosting a one day OVBS on Saturday, August 26th from 9am – 6pm. If you are interested in signup pre-registration will begin next week. There will be a $5 charge for each student signing up. Kindly approach Mr. Nevin Joseph for more details.
Annual GROW Conference – This year’s annual GROW (God Renewing Orthodox Women) conference was held at the newly purchased Holy Transfiguration Retreat Center. Special thanks to all our members who participated and attended the conference.