Skip to the content- Holy Qurbana Next Week – Next week Rev. Fr. Joykutty will be celebrating the Divine Liturgy.
- Holy Transfiguration Retreat Center (HTRC)- All members are requested to donate towards the cause of the NE American Diocese.
- MMVS Charity Drive – The Marth Mariam Vanitha Samajam will be conducting a charity drive for veterans. A collection box will be kept in the basement to collect household items (unused clothing, lines, blankets, cleaning supplies, kitchen items, footwear, etc.). All are requested to participate in this charity drive.
- GROW Conference – is happening June 24th Saturday at HTRC. Many of the FOCUS members have already registered so I encourage all young women (High School and College) to attend this event. The flyer for the event is below. Register now at
- MGOCSM Meeting – our next MGCOSM meeting will be held on Saturday, May 20th at 4pm. All MGOCSM members are requested to attend. Valiyachen will be leading the meeting.
- FOCUS Meeting – our next FOCUS meeting will be held on May 26th at 7pm at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Ajith and Rebu Thomas. All FOCUS members are requested to attend.
- Altar Servers Meeting – and Fellowship Lunch will be held on Sunday, May 28th.