
Weekly Announcements – 7/3/16

1. Church Perunal – We had our Parish Perunal on Friday & Saturday. Special thanks to all who helped out & participated. For details and pictures, please click here.

2. Trip to Lancaster PA – To see the Live production, the story of Samson at Sight and Sound on Wednesday, August 24th, kindly see Danniya or Shojil to sign up or for more details. We have 14 seats left.

3. Annual Basketball Tournament – The Anil John Memorial Basketball Tournament will be held this coming Saturday, July 9th. We request that we all buy tickets as soon as possible. Those who have already purchased tickets kindly bring the money and give it the responsible youth representatives who are in charge of collecting them. Kindly show your support by attending the tournament Saturday morning at Island Garden. Tournament will begin at 9am.

4. Parish Open House – will be held on July 17th Sunday from 2-6pm. A few of our Youth & FOCUS members went to invite neighbors and will continue covering more houses throughout the next couple of weeks. Special thanks to everyone who helped out. The nearby Orthodox Churches have also been informed.

5. Church Picnic – will be held on Saturday, July 30th at Belmont Lake State Park.

6. Malayalam Class – through the initiative of Kochamma and Achen, class will be starting this Tuesday from 5pm-7pm at the residence of Achen.